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Six months have passed since that day. You and Eddy are still friends as usual. You two still practice together, eat together, and sometimes even play with Brett, Ray, Janine and Hilary if they are free.

You nor Eddy never even mentioned about that special someone again.

Eddy himself did not dare to ask about your progress with your guy because he was afraid his heart couldn't stand to hear it. It's not that he's selfish or anything, but Eddy just wants to let you be happy with the partner you chose. He did not want to be honest that... you were the one who actually what he loved.

At that time, Eddy's heart was broken to pieces. He was saddened to hear you have someone in your life, when he actually began to love you. That time he didn't dare to ask who that lucky guy is. However, Eddy still wants to be a supportive friend for you.

This afternoon, the Queensland Orchestra practice has just finished. Eddy saw you immediately rushed to go home. He always heard you want to catched the bus. Alone.

Unlike Eddy, who is still in his place. These days his practice isn't going well. Unconsciously, he became unfocus because of many thoughts on his mind.

"Hey, mate." Brett seemed to approach his friend. He was ready with his belongings in his hands.

"Hey, Brett. What's up?" asked Eddy.

"That's my line, you know? Since that concert, you're not focus at all, man. What's wrong with you?"

Eddy sighed. "I don't understand myself, Brett. I feel I have lost my energy. At that time, everything was ruined."

"What did you say to (y/n) that time?" Brett asked curiously. "She seems to be keeping a distance from you now, dude."

"Well, we still eat and spend time together as usual. It's just that I never see her in the bus again," said Eddy. He gave a pause. "I think I've disappoint her."

"Then tell me, what's going on?"

"I told her, I'm in love," Eddy finally said. "But, she doesn't seem happy about it. She even has someone else."

"What?" Brett looked confused. "I can understand if she doesn't like you falling in love. Maybe she loves you. But she has someone else? Why so complicated?"

"I don't know, man," Eddy said, sighing hard again. "I think it's one-sided love."

Brett was silent for a moment. "Or uhh... She just loves you but thought you love someone else?"

Eddy looked at Brett silently. Can it be like that? Are there chances?

"But, (y/n) said she knows who I love," said Eddy, confused. "Is it possible she's mistaken for someone else?"

"Have you been dating someone, man?" Brett asked again, starting to assume. "Cause if you do, you really screw this thing up."

"Uhhh... no?" said Eddy. "You know, I only spent time with you and Janine to practice while she wasn't around."

"Well, that could be the problem." Brett said with his deadpan face.

"What?" Eddy still hasn't realized. However, the silence a few moments after made Eddy think. Don't tell me...

"Oh my god!" Eddy screamed suddenly. Fortunately the room was empty by now, only Brett was there with him. He immediately surprised by Eddy's voice.

"Bro, should I confess?" Eddy asked again doubtfully. "I suddenly remembered something that might be the cause of all this."

Brett smiled. "If that can be your solution, why not?"

TBC ! :)


This is the part 9, how was it? The next chapter will be the ending!

I'm not a native English speaker. Please correct me if I have a wrong sentences:)

Hope you guys enjoy this :) If would so mean to me if you guys vote and comment, thank you :)

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