Ling Ling

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Today the orchestra didn't have a practice schedule. You decides to walk around the city when Eddy suddenly calls you for a lunch together. And here you are now, in a very famous Australian restaurant. Waiting for food to come.

"Eddy, may I ask?" You asked doubtfully, seeing Eddy who was busy with his cellphone.

Eddy turned and immediately put his cellphone on the table. "Hm?"

"What does it mean to practice 40 hours a day?" You asked. "Brett told me to do it so I could do better. Is that a term or?"

"Oh, about that," said Eddy smiling to you. "It's just a joke between the two of us. We're just still not as good as Ling Ling."

"Ling Ling? Your girlfriend?" You asked, feeling more confused.

"No!" said Eddy laughed. "Ling Ling practices 40 hours a day, wins many competitions and has the highest titles. If you don't practice like that, you won't surpass Ling Ling."

"Oh... Okay? I think I understand," You nodded, making Eddy smile. "And I think you two have an interesting friendship."

Eddy chuckled. "I guess."

Shortly thereafter, your food came. You and Eddy immediately busy eating and chatting like other visitors. You laughed with Eddy so much that time.

Talking with Eddy is fun. He is a man who is quite calm, but very friendly. He's also open in discussions, specially about music. You were glad to know him.

"Hey, you know what? I will practice 40 hours a day as Brett suggested!" You said excitedly after finished the food. "I also want to be like Ling Ling!"

"Good, shall I help with your technical skills?" asked Eddy. "I can teach you a thing or two."

You nodded happily. "Thanks!"


TBC :)


This is the part 3, how was it?

I'm not a native English speaker. Please correct me if I have a wrong sentences:)

Hope you guys enjoy this :) It would so mean to me if you vote and comment :)

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