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This time you and Eddy came to a barbecue restaurant for a lunch. You want to eat loads of meat today and Eddy recommended this restaurant.

Since you two known each other, you often eat together. Who pays for the bill? Actually, you wanted to pay even only once. But, Eddy never let you. He always convince you that he should be the one to get the bill. What a gentleman.

You couldn't deny that you were happy Eddy did that. It's all almost like Eddy likes you. But, geez, what are you thinking, (y/n)? We've only known each other for a few months!

"I'm amazed you can stay thin if you have all you can eat everytime you're here." you said while busy cooking the beef.

"Well, it looks like I have a gen from my parents," Eddy said with a laugh. "Aren't you?"

"I'll become an elephant even if I only eat here a few times." You joked, making Eddy laugh faster.

"Here, let me get it for you," Eddy said, fetching some meat for you. "So that I can see you become a cute elephant."

"Damn it!" You said with a chuckle. Then, you immediately started eating again. "Hey, what did you do with Brett just now?"

"Practice, of course," said Eddy, feeding food into his mouth. "We have a concert next week. Do you want to come?"

"Concert? Just the two of you?"

"Yep, just a small concert, we invite our close friends to get feedback, some will perform too," said Eddy. "Want to come? I can drive you there."

You nodded with a smile. "Okay then. I can't wait to see it."

"I'm sure you will get some inspiration to practice more too," said Eddy. "We have many Ling Ling tricks."

"What, you dance while playing or stuff?" You said, and laughed.

"Maybe, I won't tell you even though you're close to me!" Eddy laughed too. You two laughed along with the joke.

"Oh, Eddy! Is that you?" A voice that approached them in the middle of your laughing time with Eddy.

Eddy turned his head. "Oh, Janine! Hello!"

You also looked at her. She is a sweet woman. Her hair is long and brown. You felt a weird feeling seeing someone else in your happy time with Eddy.

"I see you finally hang out alone with a girl, what happened now? Usually you just go everywhere with Brett!" She joked with a laugh.

"Hey, stop it! I also have some close friends besides Brett!" Eddy laughed. He turned to you and immediately introduced her. "Oh, (y/n), this is my old friend, Janine. Maybe you already know that she is a great violinist."

You stood up and shook Janine's hand. "Hi, Janine. I'm (y/n). I've watch your perfomance a few times in the internet. You're great."

"Thank you, (y/n). Nice to meet you. You're... Eddy's friend?" Janine said with a smile.

"(Y/n) is also good at playing the violin. We played together in the orchestra lately," said Eddy. "Sit down, Jan. Let's eat together."

You turned to Eddy hearing his last sentence. Eating together? Hm, alright.

"Oh sure, let me order my food first." Janine immediately walked away from you and Eddy.

You absentmindedly saw Janine's back away from you.

"(Y/n)?" Eddy suddenly called out to you after he realized you were silent seeing Janine.

"Huh? Oh, what's up, Eddy?" You, who was surprised, immediately turned your head.

"You okay?" Eddy asked in surprise. "Why are you daydreaming?"

You shook your head, then immediately continued eating again. "I'm okay."

Eddy smiled with relief, then continued eating as well. Before long, Janine joined you and continued their delayed conversation.

That afternoon you learned that Eddy had a very reliable violinist friend, who was also sociable. They are very close. He said, Janine was also the one who will appear with them at the concert next week.

Janine was so nice, she even said she would help you practice after eating.

For some reason, You felt rather heavy to see the two of them. Either because you feel you didn't as good as they were, or maybe... because you were afraid of losing Eddy?


TBC :)


This is the part 5, how was it?

I'm not a native English speaker. Please correct me if I have a wrong sentences:)

Hope you guys enjoy this :)
It would mean so much to me if you guys vote and comment, thank you :)

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