Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Stefan's P.O.V.

When I get to the party, Elena is there to greet me with a drink. I can smell on her breath she's already had at least one.
"Heyyyyy." She says. Her speech slurred.
"Hi. Are you drunk?" I laugh. I know she is, but it's funny.
"Maybe a little." She says, putting her hand in front of her face and putting her index finger and thumb very close together. She's acting so much younger. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't amusing.
"Hey! I have an idea!"
"What's that?" I say.
"I want you to take to me the baseball field. I want to see you do your thing." She emphasizes "thing" and makes the motion of swinging the baseball bat.
"I don't feel comfortable doing that while you're drunk. Non-players really aren't supposed to be on the field or in the dugout, and I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone while you're this drunk."
"I'm fiiiineee."
"Ok. But you have to sit on the bleachers and stay there. Promise?"
"I promise, now let's go." She pats my chest and begins to walk in front of me, but she stumbles and she's waking the wrong way.
"Stop. The field is that way." I say. I put my arm around her shoulders, and she puts hers around my waist for support so she doesn't fall. She begins to take another sip of her drink, but I take it from her.
"Heyyy." She says, pouting.
"No. You're cut off."
"Fine." She pouts.
When we get to the field, she runs in front of me to climb up the bleachers, nearly tripping on the stairs as she goes up. I don't go on the field, I just watch her climb from the side of the railing. She begins climbing over the railing and I start getting scared. She's going to get herself very hurt.
"Stop climbing and her back on the other side of the railing before you fall. Please. You're going to get hurt."
"Buzzkill." She says. As she starts to climb over the railing, she loses her balance and falls. I watch as her body starts defending to the ground, flailing in the air. It reminds me of a fly ball, only larger. I position myself directly under her and put my arms out to catch her. I feel relief when I feel her weight drop in my arms. I tighten them around her to make sure I don't drop her. I look down at her, the fear probably evident on my face and she stares back at me. Her face shows a mix of fear and gratitude behind a drunk smile. We stay like this for a while, staring at each other, me holding her with one of her hands on my chest and the other around my neck. She pasts my chest and starts squirming. I almost don't want to let her go.
"Ok. Thanks for the save, but you can put me down now."
I do as she says and she starts running back up the bleacher stairs. This time I follow her. She's laughing as she runs, making this into a game for her. For me it's not, for me, I'm following her to make sure she doesn't fall and hurt herself. Her laugh is so infectious, I can't help but begin to laugh too. My laughter stops as I see her foot catch on one of the stairs and she falls and hits her head, her body begins to turn as she rolls down the stairs, continuing to hit her head. I'm a couple stairs behind her, and I fall to my knees as she falls, unable to move. I watch as she tumbled down towards me until I feel her body hit mine. I help position her so she's sitting down and leaning against me. I look at her face, pushing the hair away. I notice some blood streaming down her forehead from the top left corner of it, near her hairline. I lightly feel around her body for any other injuries, but I can't find any. As I inspect her, she laughs and buried her face in my chest. I don't know how she's laughing, she just nearly died, then feel down these stairs. As contagious as her laugh is, I can't laugh with her, I'm too worried about her. I continue to look down at her, wrapping my arms around her in a hug. She looks up at me and suddenly stops laughing, putting her hand up to her forehead.
"My head hurts."
"What's wrong?"
"Elena. Your head is bleeding."
She feels around her forehead until she touches the cut on her forehead and winces. She looks down at her hand and sees the blood and her eyes go wide. She looks up at me again and her eyes have glossed over as if she has entered some other world. Her eyes rolls back in her head as her head falls on my chest, limp. I begin to panic. I can feel her breathing, but something clearly must be wrong. I don't know what to do, so I pick her up and carry her down the bleachers and to my car, ignoring anyone who tried to talk to me. As I walk back, I see her open her eyes briefly and I let out a breath of relief.
"Elena. It's going to be ok. You're going to be ok."
Her consciousness was only for the briefest second when she passes out again. I get to my car, but the hospital is far from here, and I don't know what to do. I balance her weight in my arms as I reach for the door handle, struggling to open it. When I get it wide enough, I lay her down in the backseat and get my phone out of my pocket. I quickly dial 9-1-1 and someone picks up immediately. I begin taking before they can say anything.
"Hi. My name is Stefan Salvatore. I'm at Mystic Falls high school. My friend got drunk and fell down a bunch of stairs, her head is bleeding and she passed out. What do I do?"
"Just make sure she stays breathing, we will send an ambulance over right away." The operator tells me."
"Thank you. Please hurry. I'm very worried."
The ambulance gets here and they put Elena on a stretcher, putting her in the ambulance. I get in the back right away without thinking. They begin to protest time being in there, but I look at them. I can feel the tears starting to build up in my eyes, and they don't fight me. Three paramedics get in the back behind me, and close the door. We begin driving and as I stare at Elena's face, her mouth and nose covered by an oxygen mask, the sirens seem so distant.
Elena's P.O.V.

I wake up and hear sirens. I don't even remember falling asleep. I suddenly realize I don't know where I am and that I am moving. Then I feel a pressure on my face and hand. I see the shadow of something on my face, then hear my breathing. It's coming from whatever is on my face. I suddenly realize where I am. I'm in an ambulance, then everything starts to come back to me. I hit my head and passed out, then I remember Stefan carrying me. Oh my god. Stefan. I looks around for him, and see him to my left. Looking down at my hand that he is holding. I squeeze his hand and he looks at me, worry filling his face.
"It's ok. You're ok." He says, stoking my hand and grabbing my arm with his other hand.
I try to smile, but instead wince when he grabs my hand.
"You most likely have a concussion, which is amplified by the fact that you are intoxicated. You will most likely also need a few stitches on your forehead, and we will do an x-ray for any broken ribs. We'll be at the hospital soon, Miss Gilbert. Just hang in there." The paramedic tells me. I look back at Stefan who let go of my arm. He is smiling at me, the worry gone from his face, replaced with a look of relief. I continue looking at him until I fall asleep. As I bring to close my eyes, I can hear the paramedics trying to talk me out of sleeping, but I am overcome with exhaustion, and let myself sleep. When I wake up, I am in a bed and much more comfortable, but my head is throbbing and my side aches. I see Stefan there at my side still, holding my hand. He smiles at me from where he is sitting and stokes the hair on the side of my head that doesn't hurt as much.
"Hey." He says, softly. I can hear in his voice that he is slightly choked up.
"How are you feeling?"
"I hurt. But I'm okay. What happened?"
"Well, you were way to drunk and fell. You broke two of your ribs and banged up your head pretty bad."
"Is that why my head hurts so bad?"
"Yeah. You have a concussion and like 12 stitches. Luckily, it won't leave that noticeable of a scar, if at all."
"Oh. That's good."
"Yeah." We both slightly laugh, but I wince as I do.
"I remember you carrying me."
"Well, I was scared. I didn't know what else to do."
"Thank you." He stops stoking the back of my hand with his thumb when I say this.
"You never have to thank me. For anything. Ever."
"Ok." We look at each other for a little bit until I hear the door opens. He lets go on my hand and we both look at the door. Damon is there holding a teddy bear. I hear Stefan clears his throat as Damon walks forwards. I smile at him and he comes up to the side of my bed.
"I heard what happened. Are you alright?" He asks."
"I'm fine."
"I'll uh, I'll leave you too alone." Stefan says, getting up from his chair and walking out the door. I feel so bad. I stare out the door her just left, but when I feel Damon staring down at me, I look up at him and smile, trying to push Stefan away from my thoughts and focus on Damon. It doesn't work very well.
I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading! Please comment and tell me what you think, or suggest something to add in future chapters that you want to see! Follow me on Instagram, my username is stellijah . Ok, bye!

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