Chapter Ten

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Stefan's P.O.V.

It's been almost 2 months since Damon and Elena started dating. Nothing has changed between us, she's still comes over all the time and I go to her house, but she also spends a lot more time with Damon now. But I'm not bitter about it, all I want is for her to be happy. And it seems like she is. Even though she doesn't know the piece of scum he is behind her back. I know he's my brother and all, but I can't support him. I see him flirty and smiley with Elena, but when she leaves, he invites some other random girl over to sleep with. Or, when we're all out together, the 3 of us, I notice him checking out other women when Elena's not looking. As they're holding hands! I can't believe that he'd be that insensitive to Elena. Can't he see how amazing she is? But clearly he doesn't. He's just not right for her, she just doesn't know that the only person who is, is me... well, she doesn't know it yet. But I plan to give her the respect and love she deserves. Since I can't do that as her boyfriend, I'll do it anonymously. She'll know she's cared for though, even if Damon won't. The first thing I want to do is make a small gesture. A romantic small gesture to me, is flowers. Luckily for me, I have a pretty good eye for beauty. I walk into the flower shop and pick out a bouquet of lavenders, whites, light blues, yellows, and light pink colored flowers. Together, they all look beautiful. I put them in a vase and have them shipped to her house without a name, only a note that I wrote. The note says, "I'm always thinking of you. ~ Your Prince Charming". I don't want it to sound creepy, and I hope it doesn't, but I want her to know that someone is when Damon's not.

* * *

When I'm at her house a few days later, we're studying for the history test when there's a knock on the door. It peer over to see who it is, and I catch a glimpse of the flowers I bought her. I wait to see her reaction. She signs the paper and walks over to me.
"Who are those from?" I ask.
"Not sure. I never ordered these."
"Are they from Damon?"
"I don't think so. He wouldn't do something like this." Of course he wouldn't.
"Is there a card or something?"
"Yeah. It says it's from my 'prince charming'."
"Wow. Someone's popular."
"It's probably a prank." She can't even see how amazing she is. Damon probably lowers her self esteem. I've seen a lot of changes to her wardrobe lately, things that are a bit more revealing than what she used to wear. While I like it, I liked what she wore before, it was more... her. I can only guess that the changes were Damon's idea.
"I doubt that." I say, my voice lowering an octave. She looks at me and slightly blushes.
"They're very pretty, so either way, I'm keeping them." I smile, knowing I did a good job picking them out.

* * *

I waited a few days to make another move. I have all these feelings in my head, so I decided, instead of keeping it inside, or inappropriately telling her, I would write it down. I briefly wrote down those feelings in a note and left it in her locker where I know she'd find it. I had to use my best hand writing to slightly disguise it so she wouldn't recognize it. The letter itself says how amazing she is and how she deserves the world. Once again, I signed it "Your Prince Charming". I know what times she stops at her locker because normally I meet up with her, but today I said I had to stay back in class. I watch from around the corner as she approaches her locker. When she opens it, I see the letter fall. She bends down to pick it up, brushing her hair behind her ear while she stands back up, letter in hand. I watch as she reads it, a large smile forming on her lips. She does a quick look around. Instead of being caught, I begin walking towards her. She waves when she sees me, the smile from my letter still plastered on her face.
"Hey! I thought you wouldn't be able to walk me to class."
"Yeah, I finished with the teacher early. Thought I'd try to catch you at your locker. What's that?" I say, motioning towards the letter.
"Is it a love letter from your secret admirer?" I tease her, even though I know that it is.
"Maybe..." She says, blushing.
"What's it say?"
"It just says some nice things. I'd rather keep it private."
"Wow. That good, huh?"
"Oh, come on. Don't mock."
"I'm not!" I say, putting my hands in the air.
"Yes you are."
"Fine. Maybe a little."
"Whatever." She says, pushing my shoulder. She puts the letter back in her locker. I notice her being extra careful where she puts it so she doesn't damage it.
"You know, we should get you a date to the upcoming dance. I'm going with Damon, and I don't want you feeling like a third wheel." She says, changing the subject.
"I'm fine. I don't think I'm going to go. Those aren't my thing."
"Are you kidding me? I might've only have been here for a few months, but I know that those are exactly your things." She's right, they are.
"They used to be. I don't really like them anymore. But you and Damon have fun." Saying this hurts me. But, it also gives me an idea for my next gesture.


Elena's P.O.V.

I'm doing my homework when I hear the doorbell ring. I run to get it. By the time I'm at the door, there is no one there, only a heart shaped box on my doormat. I step outside and look around, but there is nobody near. I walk back towards the house, picking up the box on my way in. When I open it, there are a bunch of chocolates inside, no note. Then I notice an envelope taped to the lid. When I take it off and open it, 2 long pieces of thick paper fall out. I pick them up and see that they are the tickets to the dance. $50 each. I look in the envelope and see a small piece of paper. I pull it out, and sure enough, it's from the same person who has been sending me these notes. It's says, "save me a dance. I'll be dressed as a prince. ~ Your Prince Charming." I don't know who he is, so I can only assume that he knows me. The other ticket is probably for Damon, but I doubt he'll go. I'll ask anyways. I notice on the ticket that it says that it's a "masquerade ball". I don't even have a dress or a mask, I definitely need to go shopping. I would ask Stefan to go since he's my closest friend in this town, but I'm worried that will be too weird. Instead, I text Allison asking if she wants to go shopping for the dance. I get an immediate response saying yes. I text Damon right away.

I just got 2 tickets for the dance on Friday. Wanna be my plus one?

No. Those dances are stupid. Go with someone else and have a good time.

I knew he would say that. He's never really been into that kind of stuff, especially since he's a bit older. Since Stefan has seen all the secret admirer stuff, I call him to tell him what I got, wanting to tell someone. He answers on the second ring, his voice low and groggy. I probably woke him up from sleeping.
"Hey." He says, his voice lightening, but still tired.
"Hi." I say. God, I'm so awkward on the phone.
"What's up?" He says, clearly trying to stifle a laugh.
"I got another thing."
"What thing?"
"From my secret admirer."
"Oh?" He says, wanting to know.
"It was a heart shaped box of chocolates. Pretty basic, but on the kid were two tickets to the masquerade ball."
"Wow. That was very generous of him. Are you going with Damon?"
"No... he said it was stupid and he doesn't want to. But he still wants me to go and have fun." I hear Stefan scoff from his phone, but he was trying to make it so I wouldn't hear him.
"So, who's the second one for?"
"I was hoping you would go with me since Damon won't. That way you won't be a third wheel and we can hang out."
"As much as I love hanging out with you... I still don't want to go. I'm sorry. But, you're welcome to join me. I'm going to do a Star Wars movie marathon."
"Thanks for the offer, but the note said to save a dance. So, I'm going to go and try to see if I can figure out who he is."
"Well, good luck."


Stefan's P.O.V.

I smile as Elena hangs up. Damon's not going, and I knew he wouldn't. I'm going to have Elena all to myself Friday night. I plan to make sure that she has an amazing time Friday. I won't settle for anything less.


Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter! Sorry it took me so long to post it! I've been working and getting ready for vacation! Stelena is back in this chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it, and I'm sorry it's shorter, I just wanted the next chapter to be focused on the dance. And I know it's like Cinderella in a way. I just take a lot of inspiration from shows and movies I like in my writing, but I will change it so it's not exactly the same. Again, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Please comment what you think and what you think I should do! Follow me on Instagram for another au and updates on when I post another chapter, it's @stellijah !

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