Chapter Fifty-Five

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"Breakfast, Professor Salvatore?" I handed Stefan a plate of food as he, Elena, and I were at the bar studying.

"Oh, no, no, no. I see what you're doing."

"What am I doing?" I asked taking a seat next to him.

"Distraction tactics. Stay focused. So psychology, sociology, and anthropology share the assumption that..." He asked, quizzing Elena and I.

"Scientific methods can be used to understand human behavior." She answered.

"Very good, as in verbatim, which means that I need to ask you more difficult questions." He grabbed the rest of my flash cards.

"Thanks for helping us study. The day after Damon declares that we can't be friends and that he never wants to see my face again. Speaking of distracting tactics."

"You're welcome."

"Hey." Bonnie greeting, joining us, "sorry, I'm late. What did I miss?"

"Just that Stefan's the tutor from hell." I joked.

"Unkind. Take that back." We laughed.

"Actually, I'm surprised you're up for studying, you know, considering..." Elena said to Bonnie.

"Considering?" She asked.

"The other side... falling apart." She didn't respond, "she's in denial."

"So I see." Stefan said.

"I'm not in denial. The other side is disintegrating. As the anchor to the other side, I'm only alive as long as there is an other side. I'm perfectly aware of the threat of my impending death. There's nothing I can do about it. It's called acceptance, fifth stage of grief. Look it up, tutor guy."

"Definitely in denial." He commented.

"Yea. Look, Bonnie. I've already lost you once. We're not doin this again. It's not an option, okay?" Elena told her.

"Not to mention what's gonna happen to Alaric and your Grams and everyone else other there. So what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"Fine. If you guys promise to stop hovering, I'll ask Liv if she has any witchy ideas. Besides, don't we have bigger problems with those travelers trying to take over Mystic Falls?" She asked.

"Oh, no. Damon's already on that." Stefan said.

"He is?" I asked confused.

"Did I say Damon? What I meant to say was George." Stefan joked.

I rolled my eyes, "Damon said that he never wanted to see me again." I told Elena and Bonnie, "I guess we're both in denial."


After a few more minutes of studying, Elena's phone went off. She looked at it then sighed.

"I have to go help Jeremy and Matt look for the travelers knife." She said getting up.

"They lost it?" Bonnie asked in worry.

"Looks like it. I'll update you guys." She grabbed her stuff and walked out as Enzo walked in.

"I'm gonna go talk to Liv." Bonnie said and got up.

Enzo walked up to Stefan and I.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asked him.

"I can't join my friends for a cup of tea?" He asked.

"Damon, your friend, singular, isn't here, and we're a little busy right now." Stefan told him. He took a seat in the chair next to me. "But by all means, have a seat."

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