Chapter Twenty

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"She's going to be fine." Meredith told Jeremy and me. Last night when I went back to my old house to finish packing, Jeremy called me and told me that Elena passed out and there was blood, so he took her to the hospital. "She got a little banged up today, hit her head. but it was just a slight concussion nothing to worry about."

"But she collapsed, there was blood." Jeremy told her.

"Should I give her my blood?" I asked.

"Honestly, guys, she's okay. She's just... she's been through a lot. Is there anyone you two want to call?" Meredith asked.

If this had happened before Alaric became a vampire, then we would have called him. Unfortunately, he can't be trusted.

"You did what?" Damon asked Jeremy over the phone.

Stefan and Damon were on their way to go get rid of Klaus' body.

"I took her to the hospital. When you find your sister unconscious, you call 9-1-1." Jeremy replied.

"Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal." Damon said.

"Every remaining original is going to want Elena dead to stop Alaric. She's a sitting duck in there." Stefan told us.

"Well, Meredith wants to keep her here for observations." Jeremy said.

"Jeremy and Ellie, get Elena home. We're on our way." Damon demanded and hung up.

The two of us went into Elena's hospital room and helped her up. We took her to the car and I drove the three of us home. When we got there, Tyler, Matt and Caroline met us there.

"Couch." Caroline demanded Elena when we walked through the front door.

"I'm fine, I just— I want something to eat first." Elena said.

"I got it." I told her as I headed into the kitchen.

"Matt and I will make sure no one's lurking in the closets." Tyler said and him and Matt started to search the house.

I called the Grille and placed an order for food and Jeremy went to go pick it up.


"I'm being over-coddled. I feel completely fine." Elena told us from the couch. Stefan, Matt and I were setting up the table for when Jeremy came back with the food.

"You're on house arrest. You're supposed to be coddled." Stefan told her. When he found out she had an accident, he came back while Damon kept on going with Klaus' body.

"Wouldn't it be smarter if we just got you the hell out of town?" Matt suggested.

"And do what? Go on the run for the rest of my life? No, thank you." She replied. "And I'm not invalid. I'm done with the couch." She said and got up from the couch.

"So you're just going to let her call the shots?" Matt asked.

"I'm letting her make her own decisions." Stefan answered.

"Even if they're wrong?" Matt asked.

Stefan shrugged. "Nothing wrong with free will, Matt. Trust me. You don't realize that till you lose it."

"Stefan..." Elena called from the front door opened.

"Elijah." Stefan said to Elijah, who was at the door.

"Hello again."


"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the Earth. And Alaric will follow us." Elijah explained his plan.

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