Chapter Twenty-One

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Elena woke up, gasping, as she sat up from her bed, looking around. Stefan, Damon and I were in her room, waiting for her. The curtains are closed since she's in transition.

"Stefan?" She asked.

"I'm right here." He said, calmly. "You've been in and out for hours."

"What happened?" She asked taking deep breaths.

"You were in an accident." Stefan answered.

"Oh, my gosh. Matt, is he—"

"Alive?" Damon cut her off. "Ask Stefan, the hero."

"He's fine." Stefan informed her.

She exhaled. "Thank you. I thought that I— how did you..."

"Save you? He didn't." Damon told her.

"When Jeremy brought you to the hospital before all of this happened, your injuries were worse than anyone knew. Meredith Fell made a choice. She used Damon's blood to heal you." I explained.

"And when Rebekah ran Matt's truck off the road, you had vampire blood in your system, Elena." Damon finished.

"Oh, my gosh. Does— does that mean that I..." She started to tear up. "Am I dead?" We all stayed quiet. "No. No, no, no! That— that wasn't supposed to happen!" She said freaking out.

"Maybe it doesn't have to. I talked to Bonnie. She said she's stronger than ever. There might be something she can do to help you." Stefan told her.

"No, the only thing that's going to help is for you to feed and complete the transition." Damon said.

"We have all day before she has to feed, Damon. That's a day to exhaust every possible way out of this." Stefan said.

"There is no way out of it. We all know the drill— you feed or you die. There is no door number three." Damon replied.

"I was ready to die." Elena cried. "I was supposed to die, I don't— I can't be a vampire!" She yelled. "If there's something that Bonnie can do, we have to try it."

"We will. We'll try everything." Stefan told her.

"You're choice, Elena." Damon said then got up and started to walk out.

I stood up and they looked at me. "As much as I don't want you to become a vampire, I'm with Damon on this one." I told them, then left her room.


Damon and I were at the house, fixing up a mess of thrown around furniture, when Sheriff Forbes walked in. Alaric gave the council a list of vampires is Mystic Falls. Since Elena and Stefan are gone, they must've gotten to them.

"They're gone." Damon said, talking about Stefan and Elena. "Whoever nailed Rebekah took them, too." Meredith walked into the room.

"Please tell me you have something. Anything." I told her. If someone took Elena, then she might not be able to feed in time.

"I can't. The council locked Carol and me out of our offices. Files, computers, everything." Sheriff Forbes told us.

"So the Mayor and the Sheriff never contemplated a back-up plan, Liz?" Damon asked her getting upset.

"Damon, relax. When Caroline called to say she got away, did she know where they were planning to take her?" Meredith asked.

"No, just that she was in some van in the middle of nowhere and she managed to escape." Sheriff answered.

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