Chapter Thirty-Five

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No Humanity

"You're gonna take her back to school?" Damon asked Stefan and I as we walked into Damon's room.

Last nigh, Elena turned off her humanity and right now, she's in the shower.

"Well, the fun route didn't exactly pay off, did it?" I asked.

"I don't know. We got a free meal out of it." Damon responded.

"Look. Do you think I want to go to school and play chaperone?" Stefan asked, "you can't go because you're not a student. Besides, you've got to go look for Katherine. I mean, Elena needs this cure now more than ever."

"Not that anyone asked me, but I think taking her back to school is a great idea." Caroline said, walking into the room wearing her robe.

"Why are you here?" Damon asked her.

"Blame it on your fancy water filters. Your house has the only vervain-free showers in town." Caroline answered.

"Oh, yea. The Mayor put vervain in the water supply. So many people to kill." Damon said.

"Yea, my mom says it's about to get worse, so she could use a little help."

"Fine. I'll go after the psychotic doppelgänger. Stefan, you gonna go talk to the Sheriff. Caroline and Ellie, take her to school." Damon told us.

"Sounds like fun." Elena said walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body, "as for the 'going to school' idea... I've got nothing better to do."

Stefan cleared his throat, looked at Damon, and nudged his teas towards Elena.

"Elena, it would make me very happy if you went in school today and studied hard— you know, her involved in whatever activities, and please, for me, no matter what, don't eat anyone." Damon told her using the sire bond.

Elena hesitated before nodding.


"Hey, have you seen Bonnie?" Matt asked, walking up to me in the hallway at school.

"Yea. I called her last night. She's fine. She's just a little drained from, you know, everything." I answered.

"Can't really blame her." Matt said as we walked up to Caroline.

"I have an idea." Elena said joining us, can you get me my old spot back on the cheerleading squad?" She asked holding up the flyer for a cheerleading competition.

"I mean, technically, yea. I'm captain, but I thought you hated cheerleading." Caroline answered.

"I did, and now I think it would be really fun to jump around and toss people up in the air. It's not like the routines are that hard." Elena responded.

Caroline smiled, "I think that would be a great idea."


After school was the cheerleading competition. Different schools came to our school for the event. Stefan and I were walking into the school.

"Sheriff Forbes was telling me that the hospital ran out of blood bags and put lots of peoples lives in danger. Do you think it was Elena?" Stefan asked me.

"No. I've been watching out for her and she hasn't gone near the hospital. Besides, her humanity is off, don't you think she'd go straight for the vein?" I asked.

Stefan sighed. Then, we walked up to Caroline and Elena in an argument.

"Everything alright?" Stefan asked.

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