weekly idol

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They're all sitting around the table, drinking coffee.

Jhope: yah yah!! What time is our taping??

Rapmon: 10am. Wae?

Jhope: we don't want to be late right?

They all laugh remembering what happen yesterday.

V: aigoo~

Joanna: I can't believe kiss is the reason why we're late~ *sigh*

"Hahahahahahahahahah...." was the reaction of the members.


They're all laughing and talking, and time passed by so quick. They're all preparing for the taping.

Joanna: unnie, what should we wear?

Juliana: our stylist will pick.

Joanna: okay. I'll just wear my skirt then.

Juliana: yeah me too...

~they finished preparing for the taping and go to the studio.

When they arrive, they went to their dressing room.

Stylist: hello!

All: hello.!

Stylist: okay please take a seat.

They took a sit and the stylist pick their clothes to wear.

Joanna wear; a white long sleeve dress that stops just below the knees, with ribbon on the left side waist and its skirt is puffy. She wear a white doll shoes with ribbon, a round gold bling bling that embossed with $. Her make up makes her look like a doll.

Juliana wear; a white plain dress with a white doll shoes, and a gold bling bling says ‘Love’. And her make up makes her look like a model.

The boys wear the outfit they wore in their MV N.O (multimedia). The stylist just put a light make up and eyeliner on them.


They went out and stand in the corner and wait for the MCs to introduce them.

Mc1: welcome to...

Mc1&2: weekly idol!!!

Mc1: today we have our guess, it's their second time here. This time is different.

Mc2: neh~ they have their new member with them this time.

Mc1: neh... let's welcome..

Mc1&2: BANGTAN!!!

they walk in one by one.

BTS: hello we're bangtan!!

Mc1: oh.. we have a life sized barbie doll here...

All of them laugh...

V: aniyo~ they just look like a barbie.

Mc2: neh~ specially her *points Joanna*

Joanna: jinjja?? Thanks...

Mc1: what's your name?

Joanna: Joanna.

Mc1: you? *points Juliana*

Juliana: Juliana.

Mc2: what a nice name neh?

Mc1: okay... so let's play a game, I'm sure that you all know the random dance right?

BTS: neh..

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