Breakfast Bonding~

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Juliana's POV~

I woke up early in the morning. I looked at the clock and it's just 5am.

I decided to wake Joanna up so we can make breakfast.

Juliana: Joanna wake up*shake Joanna gently*

Joanna: *sit up and stretch* good morning :)

Juliana: good morning :) com'on let's make breakfast.

Joanna: sure. You cook pancakes and bacon. I will make a cappuccino and fruit salad.

Juliana: okay. Let's go.

Joanna's POV~

We're making breakfast. Unnie is making the pancakes and frying bacons. I was done making fruit salad and cappuccino.

Joanna: unnie, should I make chocolate syrup?

Juliana: sounds good.

Then I started to make the syrup. I put a chocolate bar on a pan then I heated it. I mix the chocolate well and add some milk. After that, we prepare the table. I put the coffee on a pitcher and arrange the foods in the middle of the table so all of us can eat.

Juliana: Joanna, please wake the members up.

Joanna: okay.

I started to wake them up.

Joanna: oppa~ wake up *shake shoulder gently*

Rapmon: mmmh.. good morning Joanna!

Joanna: good morning! Can you please wake the other members?

Rapmon: okay.

Juliana's POV~

I saw Joanna walking towards me.

Juliana: where are the members?

Joanna: I asked rapmon oppa to wake them up.

Juliana: I told you to wake them up not to ask rapmon oppa to wake them up.

Joanna: but some of them sleeps without shirts on.

Juliana: okay. Just wash up first.

Joanna nodded and went to our room to wash up. The members walk in the kitchen.

V: waahh... you cooked all these?

Juliana: aniyo. Joanna and I cooked it.

Jungkook: waahh! Let's eat!

Joanna's POV~

I walked out to see them eating.

V: Joanna! Sit here!

V asked me to sit beside him and Jungkook. Unnie is sitting beside Jungkook too.

Jin drink the coffee.........

Jin: wahh! Mashita(delicious). Who made this.

Juliana: Joanna made it!

Jin: jinjja? Ahhh... so delicious.

Joanna: I'm glad you like it! *smile cutely*

V: aigoo~ I like your smile! You're so cute!

All the members laugh

Suga: I'm so happy that we have them as princess!

Jimin: yeah they're so caring!

All: neh~

Juliana: thank you.

Joanna: neh~

Rapmon: okay com'on guys! We have a pictorial!

End of POV~

They all get ready for the photo shoot.



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