Meeting BTS

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~Joanna's POV

I woke up at the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID.

Joanna: hello? Omma!

Omma: hello baby, how was the audition?

Joanna: oh great! We've pass and we're joining the group BTS.

Omma: wow that's great!!!

Joanna: we're so happy about it. We get to live with our idols, join their concert and other stuffs. Oh how are you there?

Omma: well congrats!! oh and we're doing good here in America. (A/n: Joanna's parents are in America for business trip).

I ended the call and check the time. 6am.

~Juliana's POV

I woke up early, may be because I'm exited.

I was cooking pancakes when Joanna greeted me

Joanna: good morning!

Juliana: oh hey good morning! Wanna eat?

Joanna: sure thanks. I'll make cappuccino, do you want one?

Juliana: oh sure, I love your coffees.

(A/n: Joanna is good at making coffees and pastries).

~end of POV

After they do their own morning routines they dress up nice. Joanna wear a dress (a/n: Joanna is a very girly type. She likes dress a lot or skirts) and put a doll shoes, she put a light make-up but more on eyeliner and maskara, because she kind of look like a doll. Juliana wears shorts and a hoodie, puts make-up on and wear a black high cut converse.

#at the building

Joanna's POV~

When we arrive at the building we went to the studio the guard told us where. When we arrived at the studio we saw BTS dancing Boy in Luv. Wow omg!!!! I'm so amazed!

Juliana's POV~

When we got inside the studio, we saw BTS dancing Boy in Luv. Wow!!! Oh my Gee gee gee baby baby baby~!!!

End of POV~

A guy came up to them.

Guy: hello!

Juliana&Joanna: hi!

Guy: I'm the manager of BTS, and I'm your manager also, because you're their Princesses.

Juliana: uhm... thank you sir.

Manager: okay so... Mrs. Kim already explained what should you do right?

Juliana: ne~

Joanna: uhm.. excuse me, are we going to sleep in the same dorm with them?

Manager: yes, but you two will have your own room with a bathroom, because girls have private stuffs.

The girls nodded and the manager leaves them.

BTS finished the dance and approached them.

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