Snow White: Waking up

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Seokjin entered Jungkook's room, with a sad smile on his face, he looked at his son state, could he even call him his son? He wondered, he looked worst than Namjoon.

Seokjin kissed Jungkook's forehead, telling how sorry he was, telling that this was all his fault, how regretful he felt.

Seokjin took the antidote out of his pocket, the antidote was a syringe, as the poison affects the blood so the antidote should go to the affected blood.

Seokjin injected the antidote in Jungkook's body, kissed his forehead again, then for him to wake up, with his daughter in hand, Taehyung waiting by the other side.

Namjoon was outside of the door, witnessing all of this, he didn't try to stop Seokjin, because he knows his Jinnie won't do the same mistake twice, especially after having a child of his own. Namjoon stared at the girl in Jin's arms, fast asleep, making him remember Jungkook's birth day, this time he didn't lose his wife, he won't be alone again, now the only thing left is for Jungkook to wake up.

After a few seconds, Jungkook started to slowly open his eyes, making Namjoon rush to his side.

Seeing Namjoon, Seokjin got scared that he will accuse him of something, so he backed away from the father-son duo.

Jungkook opened his eyes slowly, looking at his father pale face, smiling at him.

Jungkook opened his arms, hugging his father tightly, as tears swelled up in his eyes.

Namjoon couldn't contain his tears, as he hugged his son, pulling him closer.

Taehyung who was still shocked, wondered if this was a dream, or if he was hallucinating because of stress and overwork.

Taehyung walked slowly to Jungkook, reaching him, he extended his arm, wanting to feel Jungkook's face to see if he is real.

Feeling someone's hand on his face, Jungkook looked up, when he found that it was Taehyung, he smiled at him as he let go of his father's hug to bring Taehyung closer to him.

"You are finally awake." Taehyung said, sniffling.

"Of course, a poisonous apple is nothing, I am okay because I am JK." Jungkook said giggling.

Taehyung brought Jungkook closer, as he hugged him, Jungkook thanking him for everything, and how he is happy he was hearing Taehyung's voice everyday.

Taehyung broke down crying, telling Jungkook how delightful he is that he is finally awake.

Namjoon looked at the couple in front of him, feeling proud of both of them, he smiled thinking of how similar they looked to him and Seokjin, wait, Seokjin, where was he?

After the emotional moment with his father and future husband, Jungkook wondered where was his mother, he thought that he will be the first to hug him, but he isn't even here.

The crying sounds of a baby grabbed their attention, all looking the same direction, as one of them wondered, whose baby was it, because he doesn't know if a baby in his family, his mother is still pregnant, but hold on, how long has he been sleeping again?

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