Snow White : Kicked out

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Namjoon went to Meosjin, because he was called for an urgent matter, he didn't want to leave his pregnant husband/wife alone since he was pretty far in the pregnancy, the sixth month, and his son alone but duty was calling and he had to go, so on the twelfth of February, the king left, without knowing what to their family after this day.

Seokjin found this as the perfect opportunity to chase Jungkook away, without Namjoon knowledge.

Seokjin called the hunter to inform him of this chance, this was perfect for his plan.

Seokjin ordered the hunter to take Jungkook to the forest, break his legs and warn him not to come back again to palace.

He didn't want to kill Jungkook, he just wanted him out of his and Namjoon's life, because after all he raised Jungkook, he saw him grow up, he comforted him when he cried, he hugged him when he missed his mother, he was the one to put the medicine on the injury when he got hurt but now he is the one making the injury.

As Seokjin remembered all of this, he felt a sting in his heart, was this really the right thing to do?

Even if Seokjin realized this was bad, it was already too late because the hunter already took Jungkook to the forest.

Jungkook is now in the forest with the hunter, he always go there once or twice a week so he can relax, he usually goes with his guard, but today he is with the hunter, as he is taking his place. He wanted to ask why his guard wasn't there, but remembering his mama saying he wanted flowers, he dismisses it, since he will be late if he asked pr waited for his guard, and started to think about what kind of flowers his mama would want.

Jungkook kept walking viewing the scenery, picking every beautiful flower that came in his vision, which was a lot, and that's why didn't notice that they were already far away from the palace.

When he finally noticed, he turned to ask the hunter about it, but he didn't find anyone.

No one was there, the only thing that was there in the forest was him and silence.

This made him want fo break down and cry but he didn't, recalling how his father and mother always told him to be brave and not fear a thing, it was easy to say more than do, but then Taehyung's face came to his mind, they had a date tomorrow, he promised Taehyung he would come to their usual spot, because the Prince Charming had an important thing to tell Jungkook, or more like ask him something, they had been together for a long time, so he guessed that Taehyung is going to propose to him, just thinking about it made his cheeks redden from embarrassment.

But now he can't go meet him because he is stuck in the middle of nowhere, and he became depressed again, and sat down, wondering why this happened to him, he has always been a good boy and never miss behaved, he loves his mama and papa, and he is a good prince....maybe this happened because he stepped on ant this morning, he didn't mean to, the ant come out of nowhere and he didn't see it, and he buried it to, but his family must have so sad, and this is his punishment now, to be away from his family, like the ant is right now.

What should he do now? He is getting cold and hungry, is he going to die like this? Without anyone beside him? Without even getting to be Taehyung's soulmate and partner? Without seeing his new sister or brother? Without seeing his mama and papa one last time? Why him? Why? Mama must be so worried by now.

If the hunter heard his words, he would have told him smacked his head, but he couldn't, as he was already far away from the prince.

The hunter didn't exactly follow the queen's orders, as he, as many others, adores Jungkook, and doesn't want to bring him harm, but he couldn't decline the queen's orders, while the king is away.

So he decided to leave the prince far away from the palace, from the queen, wishing him the best.

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