Snow White : Saving himself

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After being abandoned at the forest, Jungkook had to find his way out of there, so he got himself together and got up, motivated by wanting to see his family again and........ Taehyung.

Jungkook walked around the forest in circles for hours, not knowing where he is, or where he should go.

Jungkook was about to give up, and lay on the grass, but at that same moment he saw a small house from the distance.

He went to check it, and see if he could stay the night there and leave in the morning. He walked slowly to the said house, looking around him to see if there is anyone around bu nobody was.

Jungkook knocked on the door but no one answered, so he excused himself in, he looked around trying to look for anyone in the small house, but he couldn't find anything.

The whole place was dark and silent, so he just went in the house.

Jungkook was hungry after the 5 hours he spent in the forest without any food or water, so he went to look for something to full his tummy.

After finding the kitchen, and lighting the place with a lamp he found, he started looking for food.

In the end, he found a piece of bread and mashed potatoes, and a glass of orange juice in the fridge, so he happily took that and started eating.

After filling his stomach, Jungkook found himself tired, so he went to look for a place to sleep.

He found a small bed in a dark room, not thinking about anything else, being dead tired, he fitted himself in the bed, and went to sleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

After 2 hours of Jungkook sleeping peacefully, a sound could be heard in the silent house.

Loud footsteps could be heard, and loud voices chatting.

"I am hungry, who is preparing the food?"

"Not me, I did yesterday."

"It's me, I will prepare the food so sit and do something while I am in the kitchen."

"I cannot wait, is there some leftovers from today's lunch or yesterday's dinner?"

"Some mashed potatoes are left, eat them while you wait."

"I want some too!"

"No they are mine."


"Emm, Jinyoung-hyung? There is no mashed potato in here."

"Huh? I am sure I put there when I cleaned the table. Who ate it?"

"Not me."

"Me neither."

"I don't even like potatoes."

"I don't eat my own kind."

"I didn't eat them."


"Then who did it?"

"Guys, why is there a missing piece of bread?"

"And my orange juice too!"

"And the table is not even cleaned, wasn't it your turn to do it Yugyeom?"

"I am sure I cleaned it before we left, somebody must have eaten on it."

"There a glass and breadcrumbs and even a bowl on the table, are you people stupid not to notice it? It clearly means someone is in the house."

"What?!? There is a thief in the house!"

"Stop freaking out, let's split up and look for who it is."

"Good saying, Jackson. At least once in your life span."

"Rude much, I am the smartest out of you all in this place."

"Yeah and I am an idol in another world."

"Shut up and start looking for the intruder."

Prince Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora