Snow White: Rescuing the princesse, I mean prince

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After Seokjin told Namjoon the truth, saying the king was furious is an understatement.

Namjoon was mad at Seokjin, he saw red when Seokjin told him the truth, but when his anger calmed down, all he could feel is betrayal, he trusted Seokjin with his son, his precious gem, but Jin broke his trust by doing what he did.

So he took one of the hardest decision's of his like, which is banish the queen back to his country.

"What about our child? Can't you accept him or her? I know it was my fault but don't punish them for my mistake." Jin pleaded as he stared at Namjoon, tear eyed and devastated.

"I am not as cruel as you, I won't take a child from their parent, from their father, unlike you I have a heart, but I don't want to see you in front of me, I am afraid I would do something I might regret, so just get out of my sight. When Jungkook's back you will be allowed to get back, he will be the one to decide what is going to happen from then on." Namjoon said as he avoided looking at Seokjin.

"Okay, I will go. Please, take care of yourself, take your medication in time, don't drink at night, don't stay up late and make sure to change your attire before you sleep. Stay healthy and remember, I love you and I am sorry for what I did, it was my fault and my fault only, I am sorry. Bye." Jin walked out of the room, their private room, crying.

"Jord!" Namjoon called out.

"Yes your highness?" The person came out of nowhere and bowed in front of Namjoon.

"Protect the queen and make sure he is okay at all cost, don't leave him alone." Namjoon said then dismissed the man who nodded agreeing.

"I love you too Jinnie, but I can't, I just can't." Namjoon broke down in tears, as he didn't know what to do, he lost everything, first his son, now his wife.

Namjoon stayed in his room for a couple of days, making Taehyung grow worried and check on him.

"Your majesty, it's Taehyung may I come in?" Taehyung said knocking on the king's room door.

Silence, he didn't hear anything so he grew more worried and bragged in the room.

"Your majesty? Are you okay?" Taehyung rushed to Namjoon, as he saw sitting on his desk, looking lifeless. "Sir! Please hold on, what's the kingdom is going to do if you fall? What will happen to Jungkook? The people? We all need you sir, please."

"What's the point? Jungkook is not here, Jin left, I am all alone in this dark palace." Namjoon mumbled.

"I am here sir, I will find Jungkook, I swear on my honor and dignity, I will bring him safe and sound to you. The queen has done wrong, but I believe he did what he did out of love and jealousy, his hormones are messed up in this period of time, but he realized his mistake and admit it, I think you should being him back. You love him sir, it shows, don't let this ruin everything, we all make mistakes, some worst than others." Taehyung said as he sat in front of Namjoon.

" can let someone who tried to harm my son near him just because I love him, I can give my heart and life to Jin but I won't give my son's life for him." Namjoon argued.

"Jungkook will forgive the queen the moment he knows, and the queen raised Jungkook since he was practically a baby, even if he is not his biological mother he still plays that role perfectly, he loves you and Jungkook and wants to see you both happy and healthy, he made a bad judgement but I still hardly believe he loves Jungkook and wants the best for him because you can't fake a look of love, of motherly love, the way the queen looks at Jungkook, tells you everything." Taehyung said.

"If he loved him, why did he do that? Why did he want to kill him?" Namjoon asked furious.

"I think that's for the queen to answer, not me." Taehyung said.

Namjoon sighed and stayed quiet for a couple of minutes then said: "I will ask when he gets back but first you need to find Jungkook, without Jungkook, I don't think any of the people will let Jin inside the palace or the kingdom ever again."

"That's what I thought. Now sir, get up and get some sleep, I already started preparing for the journey, to look for Jungkook, tomorrow' is my departing day." Taehyung said smiling.

"Good." Namjoon responded and Taehyung nodded and got up leaving. "Taehyung."

"Yes sir?"

"Thank you."

"It's my pleasure to help my in laws."

"Hey! I haven't agreed yet!"

Taehyung ran off with a smile and Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head and got up to get some sleep.

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