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Kevins PoV
So I had gotten the ring last weekend and it was safely in my bag which was going to be put in Frosties office until the dance and it was going to be locked in something. When we woke up stacey got really excited and started jumping about. "Calm down calm down it's not Christmas." "Ooh I can't wait for Christmas." She then was even happier. I text the group chat.
K- someone help me!
J- why?
K-Stacey is bouncing off the walls she was excited so I told her to calm down because it wasn't Christmas and then she said she was excited for Christmas and for even MORE excited
Ali- janette is always like that and so is Di
Stacey nearly fell over but I managed to catch her. "Right missis sit down because we don't want to have to pull out do we?" She shook her head really fast. "Right now let's get ready and get going." Whilst she went to get showered I snuck the ring into my bag in a secret pocket and put it in the car. We both finished getting ready and drove to the studios and we were greeted by costumes and hair and makeup. Then before I knew it it was time for our final dance. She danced it amazingly but we were at the bottom of the judges table. The rest was up to the public and was out of the judges hands. I gave my family that look and they looked sorry for me. "Right now it is time to reveal your strictly 2018 champions." "Will it be Faye and pasha Giovanni and Ashley Joe and dianne or Kevin and stacey." "The votes have been counted and independently verified and we can now reveal that your strictly champions 2018 are ........ STACEY AND KEVIN." I dropped to my knees and Stacey nearly cried. I jumped up spun her round and kissed her. "Right first co you have anything to say to each other. Keep it PG guys." We laughed. "Look kev you know how highly I think of you and it's Umm no surprise that you've been in the final as many times as you have. It's daunting you know coming in to strictly and having no idea what your doing but kev he walks to through it. He's patient and he's amazing and such a gent. Love you kev." "Stace I think the absolute world of ya. You have been to the physio room too many times but her she always has a smile on her face. Stacey your going to be coming down from the roof on a giant stick of rock. *imitating stacey* okay let's do it * smiles* so it's really no surprise that she got to the final. She is like so hard working it's unreal and this is why I love her." I gave her a kiss. The audience awwwd. "Now it is our pleasure to present you two with the glitter ball." They passed us it and then the lads got me on their shoulders but not before Karen gave me a massive hug. They put us down and we hugged all the Celebs and pros and everyone and then I was suddenly on grazianos shoulders with Stacey on pasha and ajs. We moved off the stage and got ready to do our group dance. It got to my part. The curtains opened and everyone looked at me. Above me on the screen it said 'Will You Marry Me?' "Yes!!" She ran up to me and everyone cheered. "I love you so so so much stacey its actually unbelievable. When I first met you I knew you were the woman who I wanted to be with to marry to have kids with fo be happy with and now that's all come true. You stacey dooley make me one very happy man even in the darkest days." I kissed her again and the judges rushed up to us. "Yes Kevin." "Well done kev." "Congratulations." Me and stace went backstage while the others danced the group dance and Joanne my mum and sad came rushing in. "Kev you are engaged!" "Really Joanne I didn't know." I laughed and she playfully smacked me round the back of the head. A shadow appeared behind them and I looked and they turned round. "No one will be getting married." Me and my dad stepped in front of them and the pros came brought another door. "Well do- what's happening. Joanne? Kev?" "Who are you?" "Where's Lilia Kevin. I want my daughter." A familiar face stepped out from behind the curtain. "Lucy? They told us you were dead." "I was my heart flat lined and then they did cpr for a couple of minutes and got me back and now I want my daughter." "She's DEAD Lucy. You left me with her. She is no daughter of yours. She didn't even know you you retarded little shit. She was my daughter not yours. She is dead and if it wasn't for you she wouldn't have had to live through all this pain. And I wouldn't have had to have been a single teen dad. But I wouldn't change it for the world. I wouldn't change this for the world. I am engaged to the most beautiful woman in earth and am happy here with my family now FUCK OFF?" "No can do kev. I want a child again. So come with me or your girl gets it." What I couldn't go through this again. Last time I let her but this time no. "No." "I think I misheard wanna day that again." "I said no. I don't want to have anything g to do with you. Go and get some dude off the street to have your kid because no one in their right mind would. And as for your threat you will have to get through me first." "And me." My dad Joanne my mum my dad and all the pros and celebs stepped in front of me and stacey. "Aww look at Kevin little family sticking up for him. Joanne right? Remember me. I'm your nieces mum. Want to tell me where she is?" "In a coffin you bitch like my brother has told you. She died. No actually she was murdered." "Well then Kevin wherever you are. You had better get me another child so come on. NOW!" "Stacey I'm going to go with her and put location on my phone. I want you to call the police and give them the location right. I promise to I'll be fine." "Kev please don't." "I have to. She's not hurting you that's a promise I made myself when I proposed. No one would hurt you. I promise I won't have her child not again. I want to have kids with you stacey and you only just listen right?" She nodded and I turned on location and she made sure it was working. She fave me thumbs up. I walked towards Lucy. "Kev wait. Love you." "Love you too baby." "Kevin what the hell are you doing." "Just trust me Ali. I'll be fine right." He looked at me but he nodded. Lucy handed me a blindfold and she tied my hands together. "Bye stacey I love you." Lucy put me in this can I think it was and I could still feel my phone in the inside pocket of my coat.

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