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Staceys PoV
It was now movie week and they had given us Cinderella. Lilias favourite movie. Kevin has tried really hard with the choreography as we were American smoothing to it so he added a couple of the lifts Lilia and neil had done. This made neil laugh and he gave them an actual good idea. "How about do you know that video of when me and lils did the lifts and that. How about they put that in the background." We nodded our heads and he went and asked frosty if that was possible and he said YES. I was trying really really hard this week because I wanted to win the glitter ball but not for me for kev and Lilia. She loved watching her daddy dance so at the end if we won kev would be so so happy. I had now basically moved in with kev and so had neil for the time being. They had interviewed katya and she said that she was raped and Sean had admitted to it. Neil was moving back in to their house next week but wanted to give kev some more support. Katya knew nothing about Lilias passing and neil was going to tell her because kev couldn't bring himself to do it. She didn't deserve this. She was a gorgeous amazing child and she really was just like kev. We finished camera block through and we went back home. I had a good feeling about this dance. The public didn't know about Lilia dying either so tonight me and kev and all the pros and judges and anyone who personally knew Lilia was going to post some pictures of her and some messages from them. When we got home kev sent loads and loads of pictures to the gc but left a couple for me and him to pick from. The other pros all had one with them and her and then they all got to choose and other one and then a massive group photo that we had taken when she first got brought in but of course sean wasn't in it. We all posted at the same time.
Kevs post:

Such a shame that the rope was cut short for you my beautiful baby

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Such a shame that the rope was cut short for you my beautiful baby. You really were an amazing cheeky gorgeous daughter and he will pay for this. You truly are daddies little angel. I will get that glitter ball for you darling. I promise. RIP Lilia Rose Clifton xxxx @staceydooley @joannecliftonreal @neiljones We all miss you baby girl. Shine bright and watch over us all ye. Especially uncle Neil  xxxxxxx
User1: Omg what happened. I am so so so sorry for you Kevin. She didn't deserve this. She definitely will be missed. We barely knew her but she seemed like a right little angel xxx
NeilJones: Miss you lils. Me and auntie kat are friends again and she misses our loads just like everyone one else. Shine bright princess xxx❤️❤️
User3: #prayforlilia
StaceyDooley: She really was daddies angel. Shine bright darling❤️❤️
"That post is beautiful baby." He gave me a kiss and he looked at mine.
Staceys post:

When I first met you as a 6lb 5oz baby I knew you were something special

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When I first met you as a 6lb 5oz baby I knew you were something special. All though you only knew me for a couple of weeks you will be remembered by me daddy and everyone on strictly and further. You really are daddies little girl. Shine bright and keep a watch on us sweetheart. We will win this glitter ball for you. RIP Lilia rose clifton. @kevinclifton @neiljones @joannecliftonreal. Xxxxxxx❤️❤️❤️
KaceyFan: Staceys right we will all remember you. RIP Lilia rose clifton. All support goes out to @kevinclifton
KevinClifton: thanks @KaceyFan. She really liked reading all the comments on her introduction video. RIP daddies angel xxxx 👼 ❤️❤️❤️
"Thank you darling." We kissed again.
Neils post:

You were such an amazing child and I was so lucky to call you my goddaughter (if that's a thing) anyway

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You were such an amazing child and I was so lucky to call you my goddaughter (if that's a thing) anyway. Me and auntie kat are friends again and we all miss your happy smiley face princess. Keep an eye on me and make sure I don't eat too many doughnuts. Love you to the moon and back and even further. Shine bright princess. @kevinclifton @staceydooley @joannecliftonreal
Kevins PoV
I texted neil. 'Cheers mate. Means a lot xx' 'No probs kev she really was a little princes xx' "You two are like squabbling brothers. Your arguing one minute but then you are all best mates with each other." Stacey laughed. "He's my brother from another mother." We laughed and I looked at joannes post.
Joannes post:

Words can't describe how much you will be missed by nana grandad uncle aj me stacey and especially daddy

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Words can't describe how much you will be missed by nana grandad uncle aj me stacey and especially daddy. I hope there treating you well up there lils. Keeping the ice cream stocked up. I love you just a lot more than uncle aj and so does daddy. No one will forget you Lilia. No one. Love you. Fly high angel and keep a watch on us xxxxxxx @kevinclifton @staceydooley @neiljones
KevinClifton: Cheers Joanne. She loved you both too much. She would have lived with you if I let her. She really did love aj like a brother. You were both so nice to her. She will look over you both. RIP Lilia rose clifton. Daddies little angel. Xxxxxxxx

Fate- Stacey and KevinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora