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Kevins PoV
So last night they had to keep me in because they couldn't get the discharge papers sorted. I was really excited because today I was adopting Taylor. No we were adopting Taylor. Me and stacey together. We wanted to wait until after the tour and everything to start planning the wedding and everything because there is no rush. Today the gang were going back to the kids ward and I would pull Taylor aside and talk to him about him and if he liked the idea then I would go through with it if not then we would have a child naturally because there is no point me taking him with us if he's not going to be happy. I woke up this morning and got ready in some clothes that stacey had left for me. It was quarter past eight. Only fifteen more minutes. Once I was dressed I went on my phone for a bit and then the guys came in. "Hiya Kev." "Annoying child." "Hi kev." "Hiya darling." I gave stacey a kiss and neil gave us a look and then laughed. We knew he was only joking but would Taylor. "Come on then partner you have a son to pick up." I smiled at alijaz and held Staceys hand as we walked down to the kids ward and the kids from yesterday were there again. "Hi guys." "Hello." They all chorused back. Taylor ran and hugged my legs. "Kev you came back!" "Course I did. Anyway bud what we going to do today because I have to go today and get ready to go on tour with these lot." "Can we dance some more. I want to do waltz." Lewis said. "Ok but Taylor mate come here a minute." He nodded and we went over to the sofa that we had been sat at yesterday. "What's a matter?" "So you know how you were scared about the orphanage." He nodded. "Well I've found out who's going to be adopting you and I know them and they are really nice people and are friends with a lot of good people as well." "Who is it?" "Well do you know Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley. Ye I've heard they're going to adopt you." He looked like someone had just told him he'd won the lottery. "Really?" "Ye bud. You happy or?" "Very happy. I like you and stacey." He jumped into my arms and I gave him a massive hug. "And do you know what the even better thing is." "What. Nothing could be better that this." "We are going to sign the papers today which means that you could come with us sometime this week." He jumped up at me and I put him on my back today because my shoulders were hurting a bit. We walked over to the others. "Don't tell the others though ok?" He nodded and grabbed around my neck not too tight but not too loose so that he would fall off. "Awww look at you two. Best friends." Janette said. I smiled and put him down. "Right whose dance do you want to do we all know that neil hasn't had a partner so me and Staceys alijazs it Janettes." "Kevin and Staceys jive." We taught them the jive and they were all quick learners. Taylor danced with Louise. Lewis with Lilia and neil danced with Abby. They all caught on pretty well actually. "Right guys we are going to have to go now but if any of us are ever in here again we know where to find you." Taylor gave me a massive hug. "You come back for me." "Of course." I gave the others a hug and we all walked off and Taylor went and sat in the sofa. "Kev we have the discharge papers done so you can go but before you do you wanna sign the adoption forms or wanna wait." "No well sign them now." She led me and stacey into a room and we signed the adoption papers. "Have I told him?" I nodded. "He'd didn't believe me at first." We laughed. "You can take him home with you today or tomorrow up to you." "Well ask him but don't tell the others because we didn't tell them." She nodded and when she came back Taylor was with her. "Can I come wif you today pwease." "Course your can. I'm sure kevs just as excited as you are." He laughed and jumped up at me. I looked at stacey and she smiled. He gave her a hug as well. "Do you need help with the clothes or anything." "No we should be fine. I'm sure stacey knows enough about clothes." She laughed and so did stacey. "So we can take him now?" She nodded. Stacey carried him out and he was smiling from ear to ear. We met the others back in my room to get my stuff and me and Taylor got in Staceys car (with her obviously). "Right we better go shopping then. We have a bed at home well just get some new sheets and clothes. Ye?" He nodded. I was gonna spoil this kid just as much as I did Lilia.

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