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Kevin PoV
She jumped down and ran to Joanne. "Umm nothing jo." "Daddy was trying to sound like you but he didn't so we all laughed at him." "And what did he say 'Winning World championships' or was it 'I won strictly first'." "The first one." "Silly daddy. Right lils. Kev do want me to take her back to mine and then you can come and pick her up later." "You sure?" "Yes oh and should I be expecting a friend Kevin." "Hmm?" "Stacey were are you?" Stacey walked out from behind me and Joanne put lils down and gave her a hug. "Kevin didn't shut up about you when he found out. And he dropped his phone and cracked it." "Joanne!" "So the sibling rivalry hasn't changed then." She laughed at us. "Yes no i don't know just take Lilia please joanne."
Staceys PoV
Kevin was really cute when he was confused. No Stacey you can't think like that stacey. I joined in with the rest who were laughing. "Hey Joanne come outside a minute." "If I don't make it out alive I love you all and stacey you should try to control your psycho boyfriend. "PSYCHO." "BOYFRIEND." Everyone burst out laughing.
Kevins PoV
"Joanne come on work with me here." We went outside for what felt like the hundredth time today. "What's up kev?" "Look you know sean Walsh one of the celebs." "Ye." "Well he's picking on Lilia. He told her that I didn't love her jo. What am I meant to say when my child says that a grown man is bullying her. And he told the producers about her before I wanted them to know. The only reason he knew was because I decided to tell everyone at the cafe we went to. And he told them about me and stacey but because frosty is a good man he said that he wouldn't tell the other producers so we still have a chance." "The little shit did what." "Picked on Lilia." "Well what did you do." I scratched the back of my neck. "Pushed him up against a wall and Umm went to punch him." "Well why didn't you." "Because Neil and gio stopped me." "Right well come on." "You having separation anxiety from aj?" "No just miss him." "Just look after her jo. Please." "Will do. But I have one more thing to ask." "Go on then?" "Do you still fancy Stacey." "Yes but I never stopped. I kept the tattoo for a reason and I never dated anyone else for a reason. Not because I'm frigid." We walked back in and lilia was sat on my phone while the others were dancing but sean was edging closer and closer to Lilia. "Back away sean. We can see you." He went back to the dancers. Joanne went and gave aj a kiss and a hug and then came and picked Lilia up. "Come on lils let's give daddy his phone back and then we can go back to my house and you can have some ice cream." "Can she? Can I come." "No uncle Neil. You have to dance with Auntie Kat and daddy." "But I don't dance with daddy I dance with girls." "Well daddy is a girl." "Hey! See stacey I told you she was a little miss." "She just like Joanne was when she was little." "Oi. Dearest brother sort your girlfriend out." "Your pushing it Joanne." "That's what sisters are for now come on lilia and Neil if you're allowed we are going to get some ice cream." "Neil Jones you leave and you are sleeping on the sofa." "Well then I'll sleep at joannes and we can have face masks and ice cream right lilia." "No that's for girls." "Fine then." "Right now come on lils before daddy shouts at us. Well me. And I have a secret to tell you about daddy when he was little." "No you don't. Lilia don't listen to her she's just sad because she has to leave aj." They both walked out and stacey looked at me. "Is this the secret about the girl who was trans." Everyone looked at me and laughed. "Staceyyy!" "Kevinnn. Answer my questionnn." "Probably. But your an idiot you know. And annoying." "You went out with me." She flashed me her million dollar smile. "Right everyone five more run through and then we will call it a day.
It was the last run and I went really dizzy but had to do four spins. Here goes nothing. I spun and fell. "Kev!" The pros ran over to me and Neil held my legs up and katya held my head still. "Jesus Christ. The rooms bloody spinning." I felt like I had just drunk 50 bottles of coors. Frosty walked over to me. "Your stressed kev. Your worrying about too much and it's putting too much pressure on your back so your brain needed a rest so it collapsed." "Ok dr frosty 🙄." "Go home kev." "No. We are doing one last run through. That was the deal so the quicker we do that the quicker we can all go home." "Right then. But if you faint again all I'll say is I told you so." I laughed and slowly stood up with the help of Neil. We got back into positions and managed to run back through the dance. "Stacey take Kevin home." Frosty said. Neil wiggled his eyes at me. "Fine but only because frosty said." "Neil give it a rest whatever we decide to do isn't up to you." "Well I think you should both stop being so blind and go back out." Neil went and stood next to Katya and held her hand. "Their being mean kat." "No neil your just being insensitive." He poured and me and stacey walked out the door. "He's such a big baby."

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