Chapter 36- Secrets

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The next morning

Toby POV

I just found out, a deep, dark secret about myself. I wish I didn't. I thought to my self. I was hiding under my blanket, my arms were wrapped around my knees, my teeth were chattering, and my eyes were wide open. Why? Why? Why? I need to call Caleb, even though I'm in the same house. Jason doesn't need to hear.

"Uh Caleb?"


"I think I have an itsy, bitsy, tiny crush on someone. But it's a little crush, nothing more."

"Ohhh, who is it?"


"Tell me."

"Okay, promise you won't laugh?"


"Okay, it's Tim. Don't tell Jason please. He might tell the whole world."

"Ahhhhhhhh, my oh my gosh. I'm so happy right now."

"Yeah, cool. Goodbye."

Oh my gosh is right. I never thought this would happen. Ever.


Oh. My. God. I have one question, Why? I never thought this would happen. I thought pacing around my room. I never in a million, gazillion, years thought this would happen. I like my friend. He is pretty cute. Uh what am I saying? Who am I gonna call? Obviously not the ghost busters. They can't help me now. I'll call my best friend, Jason.


"Ugh, what do you want? It's so early?"

"Someone is not a morning person."

"Well Caleb kept me up all night snoring."

"Uh there is someone I like."

"Girl or boy."

"Uh, well, it's a boy."


"Toby. Don't tell Caleb, he might overreact."


Then I came out of my room. My dad was on the phone, and my mom was cooking eggs and bacon.

"Bye mom, bye dad."

"Bye sweetie."

Then I ran to their houses. Does this mean I'm not straight. I hope it doesn't. I thought I liked girls. I know Toby does. Should I tell him? Well I don't freaking know.


I'm so happy right now. Toby likes Timy. But I can't tell Jay, even though I wanna. I thought. Then Jay came downstairs. He stopped and looked at me for awhile.

"Listen, there is something I want to tell you but I can't." He said.

"Me too."

"I don't want to keep secrets from you."

"Me either."

"Okay on the count of three, we'll say it at the same time. 1, 2, 3."

"Tim likes Toby." "Toby likes Tim." We said at the same time.

"Oh. My. God. This just got interesting." I said walking into the kitchen.

Then I felt arms around my waist.

"Hey. I have an idea. We can be their wingmen. I'll get Tim and you get Toby." Jay said.

"Okay. Great idea. I will be the greatest wingman ever."

Then Jay kissed me on the cheek.

"Love you CJ."

"Love y-"

"Race you upstairs." He said running. Then I started running.

"I'm going to beat you, buffoon." I said.

"Okay you oaf."

"I hate you and hope you die."

"I will one day."

Then we ran around the house like crazy buffoon oafs.

//Sorry for the shortness. I didn't feel like writing or typing today. Please enjoy cakers.//

Me and you [boyxboy] [Complete]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon