Chapter 43- Sugar High

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I was kissing him. I don't know if it is good or awkward, I am so confused. Even though it was pouring freezing cold rain, I felt warm and fuzzy inside. Finally we pulled apart. He looked about as confused as I did.

"Uh..that was a....a little weird." I said, "but good."


"That, that was a little awkward." I said taking a step back.

A second later I slipped and fell into a puddle of icky mud. Toby chuckled and held out his hand to help me up. I saw his blue eyes sparkle, which made me feel more warm and fuzzy inside. I grabbed his had, but when he was about to pull me up, I pulled him down into the mud.

"Ugh, Tim I hate you."

"Ha. You know you love me."

"Yeah right." he said splashing me in the face with water.

We laughed for a little until we heard faint voices. Those dirty spies.


After they stopped kissing, they started playing in muddy water.

"Come on. Let's go over there."

"Ugh. Fine."

We walked over and stood over them.

"Hey guys."

"You saw everything didn't you?"

"Yes we did. And it was adorable."

"You spies."

Then before I could answer Toby grabbed my arm and pulled me into the water. Tim did the same to Jay.  Jay didn't look to happy.

"Caleb, you owe me a new jacket."

"Yeah whatever."

Then we sat there for a while and we all knew one thing; we were going to be sick tomorrow.

Soon we got up and went to the car. We drove home in silence. When we got there I opened the door and Justin was sitting there. He was wearing a baseball jersey and a sombrero. In one hand he had a half eaten, melty chocolate bar. In the other hand was half a Twinkie. He had an old, ratted baseball in his lap and he was smiling stupidly.

"Hola amigo's."

"Uh, so what did you do today?"

"Well first I went to a Mexican restaurant, since in Florida I really only eat seafood, pizza and  fried chicken. There was a thing were if you eat a big burrito in 1 hour, you get a free sombrero, and I ate it in 1 hour! Then I found a 50 dollar bill on the ground. I found the owner, but she let me keep it. So I bought lots of chocolate and Twinkies and a ticket for a baseball game, duh what else would I do with it, buy food? Ha yeah right. And guess what, I caught a foul ball. Whoa haha."

"Guess what." Jason said.


"They finally did it. They finally kissed."

"Aww really? Tis a shame I missed it. It would have been grand."

"Uh Caleb, what's wrong with him?"

"He's having a sugar high. It's like being drunk, but with sugar."


"Well I think I should drive him to his hotel."

"Uh what ab-" Said Jay.

"No. Only one person needs to go."

"Oh okay. Be ca-"

"I will. I know how to drive. Let's go Justin."

"Love you."

"Yeah I know. You've told me."

Then we left and got into the car. I was still wet from the rain. Then Justin took something from his pocket.

"What is that?"

"It isn't a chocolate bar, that's for sure."

"Liar." I took the chocolate and threw it in the back seat.

Then we drove in silence, mostly because Justin fell asleep. But I had time to think. Why the h-e- double hockey sticks is Jay being so gosh darn clingy. It's getting a little annoying. Finally we arrived at Duruy Inn. I helped Justin to his room and went back home. I got changed and crawled into bed, next to Jay.

"I'm glad you are safe."

"Me too."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me until I could feel his warm breath. Then I kissed his cheek.

"Nighty night. Love you."

"You too." he said yawning.

Then we fell asleep.

//Again sorry it's short, but I'm so gosh darn tired. Please enjoy cakers. Bye.//

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