Chapter 47- The sunny day

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I woke up and so did Caleb. We went downstairs. We watched the news and it said today would be a sunny day. We ate cinnamon rolls and talked.

"Where are Tim and Toby? Toby is usually awake by now. And Tim should be here." He asked.

I stood up and looked out the window. No sign of Tim. Then I walked over to Toby's room.

"Hey Caleb, I bet they're both in here."

"You really think so?"

"Well let's find out."

I quietly opened the door. And believe it or not, I was right. They were both sleeping together. It was so cute.

"Aww, Caleb you have to see this."

"What?" He said walking over to me.


"Aww, so cute." he said a little too loudly.

"Ugh." Tim said waking up.

Soon we were all awake. Then Justin came barging through the door. He looked like he was going to the beach. He had on shorts, a tank top, and flip flops. He had on lots of sunscreen and he was wearing sunglasses.

"What are you wearing?" Caleb asked.

"Well the weather lady said it was going to be sunny, and I didn't want to sweat or get a sunburn."

"Whatever." Then we all talked for awhile.

"You know what guys, I feel a little left out. Tim has Toby," Justin said pointing to them, Tim was practically sitting on Toby, and his arm was wrapped around his shoulder, "and Jason has Caleb. And I just feel alone."

"We can get you a girlfriend you know."

"I don't want to be in a relationship."

"But you just said you didn't want to be alone."

"Yeah I know, but I still don't want a girlfriend."

"Did you know that studies say that if you are alone, you are more likely to get murder, then someone who isn't alone." Toby said.

"Ha. Me get murdered? Don't make me laugh. I would murder the murderer, before the murderer can murder me."


"Oh nothing."

Then we all watched some random stuff on tv. I looked over at Caleb. It had to be done today. I'm doing it today. I can't wait any longer or my mind will probably explode. I just needed him out of the house for a few minutes.

"Uh Caleb, I got stuff to do. I'll give you 20 bucks, and you can go do something. Okay?"

"Uh, oh yeah sure."

"Here." I said giving him some money."

"Thanks." he said leaving.

"Okay you three, it's going to be today."

"No it can't be."

"Yes Justin."

"Here are your jobs, when I say 'Okay' turn on the lights."

"Are you sure about this? What about Caleb?"

"Everything will be okay Tim, now hand me my phone."

After I sent it, we turned off the lights. Tim, Toby, and Justin sat by the light switches, ready to turn them on when I say 'okay'. Now all we do is wait.


I was walking. I walked a few blocks and went to an ice cream store. I used his money and bought a cookie dough ice cream. I went out and sat at one of the tables with an umbrella. I sat and ate. It was a beautiful day, nothing could go wrong. Then my phone vibrated. It was a text from Jason. I read the text and then I reread it over, and over again. Because that text broke my heart into a thousand pieces.

From Jason <3: Hey love, I hope you having fun. I love you so, so much. I love you all the way to the sun and back, a thousand times. I loved you yesterday, I love you now, and I will love you tomorrow. I know you love me too. But ah listen, I can't take this feeling anymore. The feeling of loving you this much. I, I have to break up with you. I'm so sorry. I love you, and please come home. I need to talk to you.

I couldn't help it. I began to cry. I left and slowly walked home. How could you do something like that, especially if your freaking in love with them. I thought choking back tears.

//Omg. Please don't hate me. Keep reading. Please.//

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