Chapter 16-The flight and funeral

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Toby POV

Ugh. There I go being mean again. I don't want to but I do. Maybe I'm jealous of him. I don't know but I think I just called him gay, so yeah that was mean.


   "Wake up." I opened my eyes to see CJ in front of me smiling. His hair was wet and he had bags under his eyes. "Ugh. What's happening?" "Well...*yawns*...Hurry and get dressed. Our flight leaves in one hour." So I got dressed and got into the car. CJ was in the driver's seat. He almost fell asleep, so I switched him spots. "What happened last night?" "When I got home you were a sleep, so I put you in your bed. Then I packed. Then I took the 45 min. drive to the airport to get plane tickets. Then I came home and took a shower. Then I woke you up. Now we're here." He said almost falling asleep. I looked over at the clock. It was 3 o'clock p.m. "Stay awake until we get there CJ." "Okay I'll try *Yawns*."

          After a while, we were there. CJ almost fell asleep a couple times. We went in, gave our tickets, and all that stuff. My dad met us there. As soon as we got in our seats, CJ fell asleep. I sat next to him and my dad sat across from me. That was the longest ride of my life. CJ was sleeping the whole time, my dad wouldn't shut up, and I was still so sad. I was hungry and all there was to eat was those bags of horrible, unsalted peanuts. Then finally we got there. "CJ wake up we're here." "Yay." He said his eyes snapping open. He had a big smile on his face. "Did you have a nice nap?" "Yes."


I actually had a great time sleeping.

      We went to our hotel room. Me and Jay shared a room. His dad had his own. Our hotel had free breakfast and dinner. It also had a pool open till 12 o'clock at night. Our room had two beds and one bathroom. After we unpacked, we went to go eat breakfast since I was starving. Then Jason took a shower. We got on black clothes, since we were going to a funeral. On the way there Jason was on his phone. "Watcha doin?" God why am I so nosey? "Texting my cousin Lily. She said she couldn't make it to the funeral because she is too busy. Victor can't come either. He's my other cousin."

       We were at the funeral. The dead grandma was in the casket. While the guy was talking, Jay started crying. "Here" I whispered, "Take my hand." He did. It was cold and sweaty, but that didn't matter. "I miss her so much." "Shhh. I know. It'll be okay." Then we went to dinner. When we got back to our hotel, Mr. Bluee went to bed. "Hey, wanna go swimming?" "Sure." Jay sighed.

     At the pool, were the only ones there. It was nice and peaceful. No kids screaming or splashing water every where. We swam around. Then we sat in the hot tub. It was nice being alone with Jay. We talked about Toby, and his grandma. He looks cute when his hair is wet. Then we went back to our room. He layed down and I kissed his cheek. "Love you." "Love you too." Then I went to sleep.

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