Chapter 49- Tears

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After the lights went on. I looked over at Tim and Toby. They were holding each other like a tornado would just come in here and tear them apart. And Justin, Justin looked pretty funny. He was crying, and was shoving popcorn in his mouth. I wonder why I didn't hear him in the quiet darkness. Then I looked at Caleb. His eyes were red and puffy. His nose was runny. A few tears fell down his cheeks. He looked so sad. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the window. It was already

"Caleb, you see all those stars?"


"There are probably a gazillion of them."

"What does t-this have to do with anything?"

"Well aren't they beautiful?"

"Y-yes. But I'm s-still confused."

"I love you."

"I-I thought we were talking about stars."

"Do you love me?"


"Do you think I hate you?"

"I don't k-know what to think anymore. Maybe I shouldn't have fallen in love. Love h-hurts."

He sat on the couch and cried into his hands. I went and sat down by him. I put one arm around his shoulder. Then I kissed his wet cheek. Then he pulled away and stood up and walked back to the window. I got up and went over to him and put my arms around his waist.

"I'm so confused. One minute your l-leave me, now your trying to comfort me. Why?"

"Don't be confused."

"But I am."

"You won't be forever."

"Why do you hate me?"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't hate. No matter what happens I will always love you."

"Why d-did you leave me. You promised me you wouldn't."

"I have my reasons."

"Tell me, please."

"I uh, I just don't want to be your boyfriend anymore."

"Well obviously, but why?"

He started crying again. Am I really going to do this now? I want to, I mean really want to. Maybe it's to early. I thought. No I'm doing it now. I can't wait any longer.

"Uh because I, uh-"

"You what?"

"I uh, I want you to, uh I want you to be uh, more then that."


I wiped silver tears from his sad brown eyes. Then I held his hands. My heart was beating really, really fast. My hands were shaky and sweaty. I felt like I was going to throw up. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.


"I uh, well you see um-"

"You can tell me."

Should I take time and explain it, or tell him quickly. This is even more hard then breaking up with him.

"C-Caleb Welsh, will you uh, will you marry me?"


"C-Caleb Welsh, will you uh, will you marry me?"

I didn't know what to say. I was shocked. And the only thing I could do was cry.

"A-are you kidding me?"

"No." now he was crying.

I hugged him. He hugged me back.

"D-don't you think we are too young?"

"We're 21."

"We haven't e-even been together for more then a year."

"But I-I love you so much."

"T-the answer is yes."



Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black ring, just like his. Except it had silver writing on it, Caleb and Jason forever <3.

"Remember when I left you home alone, this is what I was doing. Remember the paperwork Samantha brought over, well her grandfather is Paul and he is a Pastor. That's what I was signing."

"Did Toby, Tim, and Justin know?"


"I love you."

"Love you too."

Then we all went to sleep. And I was going to marry Jason.

//Please enjoy cakers.//

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