Chapter 48- Dark

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My live is officially over. What's the point of love? Falling in love, then getting hurt. Is that what love really is? I wish I could just go crawl in a hole and die. It just doesn't make any sense. If someone loves you, why would they just leave you one day. We've been together for a year, and in one day, one measly day, he leaves me. Did he ever even love me? Was he lying the whole time? Do I mean nothing to him? I feel so alone, so empty, so heartbroken. I thought while crying.

I was tempted to go to my dad and cry for all eternity. Did Tim or Justin or Toby know about this? Finally I found myself at my front door. I slowly reached out and grasped the handle. My hand was shaking. I quietly turned the knob and opened the door. It was pitch black. Not a single light was to be seen.

"Tim, Justin, Toby? J-Jason?" I called.

I waited for an answer. There wasn't one. It was weird. It's never been this quiet in the house. I didn't even hear Cupid running around upstairs. I felt alone. I felt abandoned. I stood there crying for what felt like forever. Then I felt arms wrap around my waist, causing me to let out a muffled scream. Then I was turned around. I was then face to face with someone. By the silver of light from under the door, I could tell who it was. It was Jason.

He then pulled me into a warm hug. I could smell mint toothpaste and the musty smell of his cologne. I cried into his shoulder, pressing my forehead against the soft material of his shirt. This felt comforting, but at the same time I was angry. One minute you break up with me. Now you're trying to comfort me? I was angry, but I just cried. I fought the urge to hug him back, and just stood there crying like a baby. He ran a hand through my hair and he put his head on my shoulder.

"Shh, calm down." He said rubbing my back, which made me cry more.

"H-how can I w-when-"

"Shh, it'll be okay."

"N-no it won't."

My eyes were staring to adjust to the dark. I could see Jason's blue eyes, and the light from under the door reflecting off his piercings. Then he pulled away from the hug. He lightly kissed me. I didn't kiss back. I was angry, and I couldn't stop crying. God I'm so confused right now.

He pulled away and started hugging me again.


I feel so freaking terrible. I didn't want to do this, I really didn't. But I had to. I probably feel worse then him anyways. This was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I just feel terrible. Look what I've done. I hurt him. Now he's a hot mess. I've never seen him cry this much. It makes me want to cry. I thought while hugging him and rubbing his back.But everything I do to try to comfort him, makes him cry more. I don't know what to do.

"Shh, Caleb please calm down."

"No. D-don't tell m-me to calm down." He said between tears.

"Why not?"

"B-because you ruined my l-life."

"I'm sorry."

"N-no your not. Y-you hate me."

"Please don't ever say that again. I love you very much and you know that."

"I don't k-know anything anym-more."

"Baby, please calm down. I hate seeing you so sad."

"O-oh so now you care."

"I've always cared. And I still do."

"L-lair. You hate me. You l-left me. You promised you w-wouldn't," he said grabbing my shirt and crying harder into my shoulder, "Maybe this was all a m-mistake. Tim and J-Justin are right. There is no such thing as true love."

"I love you." I said running my hand through his hair.

"J-Jason, can I just please go home. I w-want to be alone."

I feel so bad. But there's one more thing I need to do. I lightly rubbed my finger up and down his arm and neck. Then he let out a muffled moan, followed by more crying. I feel so bad.

"Okay." I said. Then the lights turned on.

//Sorry if you think it short. Ha I made you wait all day. I hope your happy.//

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