Chapter 19- Surprise

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//This chapter has two people name Lily. One is Jason's cousin who is a chef. The other is Jason's cheating ex girlfriend. Don't get confused.//

One week later


I know what to do for his birthday. A surprise party. And I'll ask if my cousin Lily to make food. I'll ask her if she can make a marshmallow cake, since he loves them. We'll have pizza for sure. Now, what to drink? Water, soda, maybe lemonade. Should I get drinks like beer? I don't drink, but I don't know if Caleb does. Probably not, he's to smart for that. Okay, I'll get some beer and wine and stuff. I can't wait this is gonna be great, but how do I keep Caleb away. I got it!


Today is my birthday. I am now 21. I went downstairs and Jay was on the phone and he was taking notes in a notebook.

"Uh hey Jay"

"Hey. Sorry can't talk now. I'm very busy."

"Oh okay." I said walking into the kitchen. I was waiting for the toast to pop out of the toaster, when Jason came in the room.

"Hey, today I'm going to be a bit busy, so while I'm working, you, my dad, and your dad are going to see a movie and have lunch, okay."

What? doesn't he remember that it's my birthday. I just wanted to spend time with him, now I can't even do that.

"Uh. Yeah sure."

"Listen, I'm sorry buddy, maybe we'll do something tomorrow."

I was so sad, I went upstairs and got changed. I don't want to hang out with two old dudes, I want to hang out with my boyfriend. So far, this is a stinky birthday. I wonder if he even got me anything. Probably not, I shouldn't get my hopes up. Maybe he's mad. I didn't do anything, right?

I got in the car and they started singing happy birthday

"Happy birthday to Caleb, Happy birthday to Caleb, Happy birthday dear Caleb, Happy birthday to Caleb." They can't even sing right.

"So you excited? We're going to see Captain America Two. Then we'll eat at Jimmy John's." said Mr. Bluee.

"Yeah I'm delighted." I said with a hint attitude in my voice.

"Hey. I know your upset, but don't worry, it'll all work out." said my dad.

"Yeah right." I said, blowing hair out of my face.

"Ah come on. It's your birthday be happy."

"Uh no offense, but I don't want to spend my birthday with two old guys."

"Ah, no taken. Now come on, let's go see a movie." Mr. Bluee said parking the car.


I didn't want him to go, he sounded so sad. But I needed him out of the house. I was busy calling my friends telling them about the party. I told them I was gay, and most of them said 'Awww, so cute' or 'good for you'. Then I called Lily.

"Hey uh Lily, I need a favor."

"What is it Jason?"

"Can you cater my boyfriend's surprise birthday party?"

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, sorry. But can you?"

"Of course," I heard her yell to someone off the phone, " I need off tonight, is that alright?" " Sorry, I was telling my boss."

"That's fine."

"Okay, what do you need?"

"Pizza, a chocolate fountain, sandwiches, and can you make a marshmallow cake?"

"Heck yeah. I'll be over by 7. Bye."

I looked at the clock. It was 6 o'clock. Caleb would be home by 8. I needed help. I got on my phone and called my good friend Timothy.

"Hey Tim."


"Uh, can you come help decorate for Caleb's party? And can you by beer and, a whine?"

"Yeah sure. I'll be right over."

Once he got here, he put his present on a table and put the drinks on another table table. We put up streamers and balloons. Then Lily came with the food. Then the guests started arriving.


"See wasn't that a good movie?"

"Uh kinda."

"Well it's 7:58 you can go home now."

I got out of the car and walked to the front door. The house was dark, I didn't think anybody was home. But when I opened the door-


He threw me a surprise party! He didn't forget!



He came in and gave me a big hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"You are welcome."

I showed him the table of presents, the chocolate fountain, and the marshmallow cake.

"Best. Cake. Ever!"

"Hey Jason." A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around, it was Lily.

"Why are you here? You weren't invited."

"You know Sydney, she's my cousin, and she invited me." She said pointing to a girl I invited.

"You better not cause any trouble."

"Ha. Me cause trouble. Bye Jason."

"Who was that?" I turned around and saw CJ, and he was holding a beer.

"Uh, my ex girlfriend, Lily."

"So your ex girlfriend is the chef?"

"No. The chef is my cousin Lily."


A few minutes later, CJ was drinking another beer. Was he going to get drunk? I hope not. And another few minutes later, he was drinking another beer, seriously.

"Uh, Caleb maybe you should stop drinking, you could do something really stupid you know."

"Ah dude I'm fine."

Well more minutes later, I lost count, he was drunk.

"Caleb, I said stop."

"Stop what?" He said putting the beer to his lips, and some spilled on him. Then he pecked me on the lips, and I could smell and taste the beer on his lips, it was gross.

"Dude I'm serious."

"About what?"

"You dumb bitch."

Then he walked away almost falling, and went into the kitchen, probably for another beer. Oh god, this was a bad idea. I was watching Lily, to make sure that she didn't do anything bad. Then I went into the kitchen and got a drink, of water. I poured it into a glass, and was about to take a drink when I had to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I grabbed my drink and walked out of the kitchen. And what I saw surprised me so much, that I dropped my glass.

//Ha. I'm so evil. Cliff hanger. Please enjoy. Thanks.//

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