Chapter 7- Shampoo

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I was sitting on the toilet ( I know weird )  in the bathroom thinking. Why did I say his weirdness makes him cuter. Oh, that's because it does. I mean that dorky smile of his is kinda adorable. That's not weird right? No it's not. Just because I kiss-


I lay down and tried going to sleep. I had fun today when CJ came and ate dinner. I was listening to jazz music to help me sleep.

We were in a car and I was holding his hand. Then I placed my hand on his cheek. I leaned in and pressed my lips into his. We were kissing.

I woke up sweating. I actually didn't feel weird about what I just did.

   -ed him doesn't mean I like him, does it? Oh no. I just realized that I might have an itty bitty crush on CJ. I can't let him know. It will ruin our friendship.

I stood up and washed my hands. As I walked out and stopped as I saw Toby talking to Caleb. Then Toby walked away. I ran up to CJ. "Hey what just happened?" I asked. "Oh nothing." He smiled. "Hey," he said "Guess what, I have a friend who gave me a great idea. I should add him to my kill list." He is so weird. "You have a kill list?" "I didn't have one until Toby started being a dumbass. I mean seriously, I didn't do jack to him." "You are so stupid." I said lightly punching his shoulder.  "Ok random question how many girl friends have you had? " I had to think a little. "Well in elementary and middle school, I was so ugly." "What do you mean?" "Well I actually have black hair. I hated it so in high school I died it blonde. I also had braces and glasses, but I got contacts. " " Do those contacts make your eyes blue?" "No they are naturally blue. So back to girlfriend's. I maybe had one or two in middle school but I don't remember. But for all high school I had a girl friend. Her name was Lily. I actually liked her, but in eighth grade I caught her cheating and broke up with her. I haven't had a girl friend since." "Cool."


"Cool." I can't believe he had black hair, and glasses. "I also had braces." I said. "I have only had two girlfriends. One in middle, her name was Kelly. I had one in high, she was Chrissie. To be honest, girls have so much drama. I mean seriously, oh no I broke my finger nail, oh no I got food on my shirt, I don't have anything to wear." I said imitating what girls say(No offense to girls). "Last night I had another weird dream, it was me and you, it ended after it said Then...... that's when I woke up. I wonder what happened." "I know." He said quietly. "But I don't wanna talk about it." I wonder what happened, is there a monster who eats us, or does it involve human sacrifice. He must have sacrificed his life for me. He is so nice. "Oh thank you." I said hugging him. "What are you thanking me for?" "Your dream. The monster came and you sacrificed your life for me. Thank you. You are the best friend ever. " "Yeah umm t-that's what happened. Yeah." He said hesitantly. He was definitely hiding something. He forced a smile, it was kinda of cute. " Hey what's wrong." "Oh, a, nothing dude, I'm, I'm just tried. " "Okay, if you say so." I said with a questioning look on my face. "Oh this morning..........," I said as I started telling him about my dad this morning, "....... then I left, slamming the door." "You know, I wish I could see my dad again, even though I hate him, so I can tell him I hate him. I think he was a writer or editor or something. I think his name was Felix or Freddy or something." "Oh you mean like five nights at Freddys. I love that game. I can't wait for the second one." I said smiling. Jay laughed a little. "Hey we can ask my dad if he knows your dad. They could be best friends or something." I suggested. "I doubt it. He is so cruel and heartless that he has zero friends." "Why do you hate him so much?" He sighed and rolled up his shirt. I was surprised at what I saw. There were bruises everywhere. "Oh Jay I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked." "Ah it's ok, but schools about to start."

     JAY POV

"Wait Jay, do you know where building C is? " "It's over there." I said pointing. "Oh ok thanks." Why did he have to be so damn cute. No Jay, stop it. You guys are just friends. That was close. I almost told him what happened next in the dream. If I told him, he would hate me. I ran to building  A. Time for a long day of school.
   I left school, and CJ caught up to me. " Hey random question. What shampoo do you use?" " Caleb, why do you ask questions like these?" "Well you are my best friend and shouldn't best friends know what kind of shampoo best friends use?" " Why do you care?" "Well when I hugged you earlier, I felt your hair and it was soft. So what kind of shampoo do you use?" " I don't know, but do you wanna feel again?" " Heck yeah." He said feeling my hair. "I wish my hair was soft." I reached over and felt his. " What are you talking about? This is soft. " Then we laughed and talked a bit more.

   I think I like Jay. I can't tell him, ever I said, thinking to myself.

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