Chapter 32- Trapped

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"Tim, that's not what we're here for. Put that down."

God I was so tired. I finally found the contacts. I got out my phone and called to tell Jay would home soon. No answer. I tried texting. No text back. Maybe his phone is charging I thought so I called the house phone. I didn't get an answer. I started getting worried, so I paid and we left.

"Caleb are you okay?" Tim asked and I realized I was gripping onto the steering wheel for dear life.

"No. Jay didn't answer the phone, neither did Toby."

Finally we got home. The front door was wide open. I ran inside.

"Jay. Jason where are you?" No answer.

"Toby, Jay. Guys. This isn't funny."

We searched the house. Nothing. No sign of anyone except a little bloody spot on the ground near the door. I was really worried. I called the police.

"Hello. How may I help you?"

"I'd like to put in two missing people reports."

"Okay. Explain them." So I did.

"Okay. We'll let you know."

I hung up and ran my fingers through my hair. I felt like crying.


I woke up, my head was aching. I opened my eyes. I was in a dark room with out any windows or doors. My arms and legs were tied to the chair. The chair was nailed in the ground. I heard a groan from behind me. I turned around. It was Toby. He had a big, bloody spot on his forehead. I had a strange feeling that I've been here before. Then it hit me like whatever hit my head. My dream. It was like my dream, except that Bitch was kissing me and Toby was dead.

"Hello? Who brought us here?"

Then I heard a click, click, click and then a door open. Down the stairs came Bitch. She was wearing a short, sleeveless, red dress and high heels. Her hair was curled and she had on red lipstick.

"Oh, I'm glad my Jaycee Waycee is awake."

"What happened? Why did you bring me here?"

"I wanted to spend time with you."

"So you kidnapped me?"

"Well when you put it like that, it makes me sound like a monster."

"You are one. Now let me go."

"Oh sweetie, why would I do that?" She said sitting on my lap.

Then Toby made another groan. She got up. I looked over my shoulder as she picked up something up. Then she hit Toby in the head with it. Then she came back over to me.

"Why did you just do that? You hurt him. That could kill him."

"I know."

"Ugh. When Caleb gets he-"

"That'll happen to him too."


"If I get rid of all you friends, then I'll have you all to myself."

"What? If you hurt my Caleb, I'll kill you."

"How can you do that tied to a chair?"

"Let me go." I was getting pissed now.


"Then how will I eat?"

"I'll feed you. I'll care for you."

"But, but I have a puppy. Cupid. She might die without me."

"Oh well. After I get your friends, I'll get her to live with us."

"UGH. LET ME GO." I said trying to free my hands.

"Love you." She said walking away.

"I'll never love you."

Then she was gone and I was alone.


He must have been unconscious. If CJ and Tim get here, then they will all die. And it's all my fault. If only I looked to see who it was before I opened the door. And what if Caleb thinks I left him, he would starve to death. And Cupid could die. This can't be happening.


Where is he. He didn't leave me. He promised he wouldn't. And what will happen? Is Toby with him? Did Toby kill him? I thought to myself.

I was sitting next to Tim on the couch biting my finger nails. I wasn't sleeping tonight. I already drank 24 cups of coffee. I kept looking from the phone, to the tv, and back to the phone. I was worried, and scared, and impatient, and a little bored.

"Hey Tim."


"I'm worried."

"Me too." He said patting my back.

"But, but what if we never see them again?"

"I really don't know Caleb. I wish I did."

"What about Cupid."

"I've had a dog before. I'll care for him."

"I, I want Jason." I said crying into his shoulder.

"I know. It's hard not to be with the one you love. It'll all turn out fine. Just you wait."

"What if it doesn't."

"I don't know Caleb, I don't know."

Then I went up and layed down in the empty bed. I was laying there, cold. It was so lonely. Then Cupid jumped on the bed and started licking my face. His warm tongue made me feel a little better. I wasn't sleeping for sure, but I layed there, alone.


I was in the chair still. I tried sleeping but it's not easy. I finally, after what felt like years of trying, fell asleep. My last thoughts were of Caleb. I hope it'll all be okay.

//Please enjoy cakers. Peace.//

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