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"So you wanted to speak to me?" Jay asked as he fidgeted nervously with his thumbs. "You're my sister's boyfriend of almost like two years or so, and now she's having a pregnancy scare so if she is pregnant that means you are an official part of the family. So you will be my first, and only because mom is definitely not having any more kids, brother in law. Therefore, you will also be my husband's only brother in law. So I think it's only right that you two have a day to really get to know each other. The only flaw is, he doesn't think you are well for Rosie because you were raised on the Isle." Jay's lips dipped into a frown as he processed the words that Melody spoke. "I've tried my hardest to convince him that he's wrong, because you really are a good guy, Jay. You just have to convince him yourself."

Meanwhile in the bathroom, Rosalie paced back and forth. She had done the tests and they were waiting for her on the sink. To say she was terrified was to say the least. Yes, she would love to be a mother even at a young age because then she would be able to grow with her child and learn new things from her. And when she would have her next, she would have it all down by at least twenty five. Possibly. Who knows. Soon enough, Rosalie came up with the strength to walk over to the sink and peer at the tests. She was given the answer to the questions she's been having for a while.


            All four tests were positive.

            Rosalie smiled and grabbed the tests. Walking out of the bathroom she could hear laughter and she wondered if the happiness would still be there when she told her sister and boyfriend the news of her being pregnant. Their laughter died down once they heard her footsteps and Rosalie felt a limp form in her throat. She sat down beside Jay and took one of his hands into hers, "Please promise me that what I am about to tell you, is not going to change the love you have for me in any way because I truly cannot bare to lose you now." Jay grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles, the same way he had done when they first met, "I promise, foxy."

             Jay knew that the classic nickname would calm her nerves and it did. It made her let out gentle giggles. Melody was anxious, yet seeing the way Rosalie and Jay looked at each other was just enough to know that if Rosie was pregnant then their baby would be in great hands. Rosie let out a deep breath before her face broke out into a smile.

             "I'm pregnant."

ROSALIE WATCHED AS BEN and Mal arrived to the engagement party. They walked up the stairs and looked down upon everyone. Jay wrapped his arms around Rosalie from behind, one of his hands resting on her small baby bump. "Lady Mal and I wanna thank you for celebrating our engagement with us today. I couldn't be prouder or happier to call you my Queen," Ben told Mal before looking out to the crowd again, "So... raise your glasses. To our future Queen of Auradon." Jay teased Rosalie for not being able to drink before everyone cheered for their future queen.

            "Speech, Your Special-ness!" Carlos called out.

             "Speech, Your Fancy One!" Jay laughed.

              Everyone around them laughed, but then it died down. Mal sighed, "I can't. I can't be Queen of Auradon." Things went quiet between Ben and Mal as they spoke together. Then, Mal turned to everyone. "We made a decision. . to close the barrier forever. And it was my idea. But it's wrong. I've learned. . that you can't live in fear. . because it doesn't actually protect you from anything. You never know where the bad is gonna come from. And you never know where the heroes are gonna come from either. Without Uma and her pirates, Auradon would be gone. And without Hades. . my father. . Audrey would be gone. We are all capable of good and bad, no matter which side of the barrier we come from. And that's why I can't be Queen of just Auradon. I have to be Queen of the Isle, too."

            Rosalie smiled softly.

             "And it's time that we take the barrier down forever."

             Mal, Ben, Adam and Belle spoke for a split second before the crowd went silent to hear what Ben had to say.

             "I choose to be a King who moves forward. It's time for forgiveness. It's time for new beginnings. The barrier will come down!" Cheers and applause spread through the crowd like wildfire. "Yes!" Carlos shouted.

              Mal was given FG'a wand. She nodded for her friends below to join her above. Jay grabbed Rosie's hand and they walked up the stairs together. Rosie stood beside Mal, Mal smiled at Rosalie and rested her head on Rosie's shoulder for a second before she lifted it back up. Jay came behind Rosie and rested a hand on her belly just as he's been doing for the past month.

             "To make the world a better place.. We have to do it face to face."

              And with that, the barrier that separated the Isle and Auradon. . Came down for good.

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