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ROSALIE HELD ONTO JAY'S hand for as long as she could as they walked back to her dorm. They giggled and laughed and shared bright smiles that would be a shocker to see from Jay, he's never smiled the way he was smiling now. As they stopped in front of Rosalie's door, Jay grabbed onto Rosalie's other hand as well. "So I'll see you tomorrow, right? We can go for a walk around the park or something, just me and you." Jay spoke softly.

"That sounds perfect, Jay." Rosalie whispered, a grin on her features. Jay smiled and they leaned in for a kiss, Rosalie wrapping her arms around Jay's neck loosely and Jay pulling Rosalie in closer by her waist. After a moment, they pulled away and Jay walked away, leaving Rosalie to turn to her room with a smile. She placed her hand on the doorknob, about to go in, when Ben came rushing down the hall yelling her name. Rosalie knitted her brows in confusion as Ben approached her. "Ben?"

          Ben looked around the dormitory before opening Rosalie's door and rushing in, ushering for Rosalie to go inside. "We need to talk." Ben told her. Rosalie closed her door and walked to her bed, taking off her heels and placing them beside her bed. "Mal — Mal spelled me."

          "Wait, what do you mean Mal spelled you?" Rosalie asked, lightly shaking her head in confusion. Ben released a breath.

          "Before our first game, Mal gave me a cookie which had a love potion in it. I'm guessing it's because I was with Audrey and she thought she didn't have a chance with me, so she spelled me ! Well, that's what I think at least." Ben explained, plopping down on Rosalie's red bean bag chair. His head fell back and his hand went to pinch the skin on his forehead.

          Rosalie's gaze fell to the floor. "You said that Mal gave you a cookie before the game. . . and it continued a love potion?" Rosalie heard Ben hum in confirmation. "Jay — Jay gave me a cookie before the game too."

          "Didn't you guys go to the Enchanted Lake too?" Ben asked.

          "Yes, Ben, that's where you got the idea to take Mal there from."

          "Well, do you feel any different?" Ben asked, standing up and slowly walking over to Rosalie with cautious steps. Rosalie thought back, she hadn't been acting so different. She had said that she loved Jay, and she felt as if she did mean it considering everything they learned about one another earlier in the day.

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