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          THE DESCENDANTS SAT IN the small apartment-like place that they once lived. They had been talking about what their plan was since Mal had lost the arm wrestle with Uma and now had to give her the wand to get Rosalie and Ben back. Finally, they worked out a way. The boys would go back to Auradon and make a phony wand with Carlos's 3D printer. They would make it so real that Uma would believe it was Fairy Godmother's actual wand. Whilst the boys are doing that, the girls would go down to Lady Tremaine's hair salon to make smoke bombs with the chemicals that were placed there.

Just as they were all about to go their separate ways, Mal bit her lip and called out for Jay to stay back for a moment so she could tell him something. Jay, completely and utterly confused, walked back to Mal and raised his brows. "What's up, Mal? And can you hurry it up a bit because we got to get this thing going. We gotta get Ben and, mainly, Rosalie back. If we want to do that then we gotta make this quick."

"Jay there's something you need to know about what happened to Rosalie and Ben." Mal told him. Jay asked her what she meant with a worried expression. "Well, it's mainly what happened to Rosalie. Listen Jay, it's nothing completely horrible. She's not dead and that's what matters because who knows what the people on this island would do to a girl with a body like hers." Jay furrowed his brows at her comment. "Anyway, Uma may or may not have put a itty bitty curse on her."

"First of all, never say the body comment again." Mal raised her arms in mock surrender. "And second of all, what do you mean a curse?"

"She doesn't remember anything from her past life. She doesn't remember that she's a princess and she's been brainwashed that she's lived on the island all her life. She's also been brainwashed to think.. That Harry is her boyfriend." Jay's expression completely dropped. "I saw the two of them when I was at Ursula's Fish & Chips. They were all over each other and honestly I almost threw up in my mouth. It was disgusting. But listen, there's a way to undo the spell."

"I thought there was no magic on the Isle. Erase that, there is no magic on the Isle." Jay stated firmly.

"Uma's necklace is a magic shell that's similar to what her mother used to curse Ariel with. That shell is powerful. More powerful than anything on the Isle and more powerful than anything a villain has used, even my mother's spindle. But trust me when I say that there is a way to erase it." Mal nodded.

"How? What is a way to erase the spell?" Jay asked, his expression now a sad one and of despair.

"I don't know just yet."

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