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ROSALIE AND MAL WERE heading towards Ben and Jay's dorm room. "How are you holding up, B?" Rosalie asked Mal, using the initial of her middle name. Mal let out a breath and she shrugged her shoulders, twiddling with a piece of her blonde-dyed hair. She had kept the purple at the tips, it being extremely light though.

"It's all so chaotic. And I know you understand because you haven't been having it easy either. The Royal Tour isn't even over yet and I'm already exhausted and you, you have to plan it all. Being with the King is so. . . exhausting? Trust me, Ben has been a real rock for me and he's been keeping me sane, but all of this is way too much for me." Mal explained. "Maybe it's because I'm so new to everything? Maybe I'll get used to it at some point."

Seeing that the topic was stressing Mal out, Rosalie decided to change it. "So, how come we're heading to the boys' dorm and what is the so-called gift?" Rosalie asked, knitting her brows together for a split second before her expression went back to normal and she looked forwards.

"Carlos ordered a truth gummy. The ingredients all come together to knock something inside of him and make him confess his feelings for Jane." Mal told Rosalie with a light nod.

"Really? A love spell again?" Rosalie asked, raising her brows. Mal rolled her eyes playfully and nudged Rosalie's arms with hers, making Rosalie giggle. "But forreal, Jane and Carlos? Who would've thought."

          "Well ever since Jane got more comfortable with speaking to us VK's, they got closer and I guess something sparked up between the two. Not everyone can be so comfortable with a change as quick as you and Ben, Rosie." Mal told the redhead, causing her to chuckle and shake her head. As they turned the corner, they were bombarded by reporters and paparazzi flashing their cameras at them. Mal curled her fingers around Rosalie's wrist and they tried their hardest not to push through them to make it into the boys' dorm.

Rosalie ran in whilst Mal leaned on the door breathlessly. Rosalie ran a hand through her hair stressfully, hating that that was her reality now. She had cameras flashing in her face all day every day. Mal began to pace around the room, breathing heavy as she shut off the television. Rosalie watched cautiously as Mal gasped as her eyes turned a glowing, emerald green. "Woah! Easy girl!" Carlos said as he looked up from his computer.

Rosalie whipped her head around to narrow her eyes at Carlos. "You think this is easy?"

"You don't have people taking a photo of you every single time you open your mouth to say boo! I mean, it's not that I could even say boo but, you know what I--" Mal trailed off with a small frown.

"I'm sorry." Carlos muttered and looked back down to his computer.

Rosalie nodded. "Yeah! You apologize to my wife!" She threatened jokingly, a smile on her lips whilst she did so. Carlos rolled his eyes at her.

Mal walked to Carlos' bed and stood beside him. "Carlos, don't you ever miss screaming at people and just making them run away from you?" She asked.

"You're thinking of my mother, and I was usually on the other end of that. So, not really. No." Carlos told her. Rosalie frowned for a split second. "Oh, hey!" He stood up. "Did you bring it?"

Mal sighed and began to shuffle through her bag to search for the gummy when Chad tried to sneak into the room. The blonde boy turned, seeing the three teenagers now looking at him with confused looks. "Hi. Just came to use your 3D printer. Won't be a sec."

"How'd you get a key to my room?" Carlos asked, furrowing his brows.

"Oh, I printed it off last time I was in here. Uh. . . you guys were sleeping. Look, I just-- Your printer's so much better than mine, and you install these hacks and everything runs so much smoother than mine and—"

"Out!" Carlos cut Chad off. "Now."

          "Fine. Fine." Chad groaned as he went to walk out. Carlos called his name and he quickly turned. "What? Hmm?"

          "Leave the key, dumbass." Rosalie told him, shaking her head in disbelief. Chad huffed and lifted the key so they could see it as he placed it down on the table then walked out. Rosalie rolled her eyes and flicked off his backside before he had closed the door.

          "Mal?" Carlos asked. Mal hummed in response, seeming to be zoned out. "My potion?"

          "Hmm. Yeah. Um. . ." Mal pulled out the gummy.

          "So, this thing will make me say what I really feel to Jane?" Carlos asked with hopeful eyes. Rosalie took a seat on Jay's bed, looking to the small table they had in between their beds. She smiled fondly as she picked up the framed picture Jay had of Rosalie and him. She remembered the day as if it was yesterday — when they had went ice skating in Arendelle for a school field trip.

          "Yeah. I mean, this is a truth gummie, so take it or leave it." Mal said as she held up the orange, round gummy.

          "Perfect." Carlos said, going to grab it but Mal snatched it back.

          "Hold on, though. Are you sure that you want to be taking this? Because this is gonna make you say the truth all the time, no matter what, and the only reason that I'm asking is because I know that if I took this right now, I would get myself sent back to the Isle. Which, it's not that that sounds super unappealing, but, you know. . ." Mal trailed off again as she let her arm hang low.

          "Yeah. I'll take my chances, I guess." Carlos nodded.

          Mal went to give Carlos the gummy, but Dude had ran off the bed and put it in his mouth. "Man, that thing was nasty!" A voice erupted from the small dog's body. The eyes of the three bulged out of each of their heads. "And you-- you just got to man up. And while you're at it, scratch my butt."

          Rosalie raised a brow and stood up after placing the picture down. "You heard him." She told Carlos.

         Mal nodded. "Yup. Scratch his butt." Rosalie then took Mal's hand and started to walk out of the room.

          "Mal. Rosie. You're just gonna leave me with him?" Carlos asked after them.

          Mal walked out of the room as Rosalie held the door open for her. Rosalie looked to Carlos and waved him off. "You're on your own there, buddy. See you later, Dude!"

          "Bye Rosalie!" Dude calles back, making Rosalie laugh in fear as she closed the door and quickly ran to join Mal in the hall.

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