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PRINCESS ROSALIE LAID ON her bed, eyes focused on the book that was in her hands. She pursed her cherry lips before flipping the page, becoming more and more engrossed in the story. She sat up in her bed, eyes widening a tad. Rose slipped her thumb in between her teeth, biting down on her fingernail. Suddenly, a knock was heard at her door and her book went flying across the room. She let out a loud groan and stood up.

She fixed her red pajamas before walking to the door, picking up her book along the way. She opened the door to reveal the one and only prince Ben, puppy dog eyes staring into Rose's. She furrowed her brows. "What?" She asked. "What is so important that you had to interrupt my reading? It's just like the other day when you woke me up right when I was about to kiss my favorite actor."

"Rose, you were sleeping in Biology class," Ben told her. She opened the door further and he stepped in. He closed the door behind him.

"What's your point?" Rosalie asked as she took a seat on her bed. Ben chuckled and shook his head. "So, what're you doing here? Not to come off in a rude way, or anything."

"I came here to ask you some questions," Ben nodded, fixing his blue blazer. He looked up from his blazer to see Rose's confused expression.

"Oh God," She muttered.

"They aren't bad, I promise. Okay? Kay. What do you feel when you look out to the Isle of the Lost?" Ben asked, pursing his lips afterwards.

Rosalie hummed and crossed her legs, resting her elbows atop of them. She placed her head in her hands. "I don't know. I've never really thought about that, just — bad, I guess? Especially for the kids." Ben's eyes lit up and a hopeful smile was placed on his lips. Rosalie looked up and furrowed her brows. "I don't like that look."

Ben walked closer to Rose and grabbed her hand, making her groan. Rose knew that he was about to ask for a favor. He always had the look in his eyes, a small smile on his lips, and he'd grab her hand then ask. "I need your help," he said.

Rosalie narrowed her eyes. "With what exactly?" She asked, knowing it had to be something extreme. He'd usually just ask for a favor, but now it was actual help.

Ben licked his lips and sat down in front of Rose. He removed his blazer, leaving him in his white button up. "I need you to help me convince my parents to let the children of the Isle of the Lost have the experience of living here — in Auradon — and living a normal life."

Rose's eyes went wide. "The children of the - of the Isle of the Lost. . . here? In Auradon? Your parents would never - they'd never agree to that, Benjamin."

"Just listen to me, okay? If you're there, you know, as my future Royal advisor, maybe they'd listen to you. Plus if you're there my dad won't yell at me as much," Ben tried to persuade her. Rosalie looked away in thought. She bit her lip and stood up.

Rosalie walked over to her window and pulled open the dark red curtains. She pulled it open and leaned out. In the far distance stood the Isle of the Lost. It was surrounded by smoke and looked dark and gloomy. Rosalie couldn't help but to think about the young children that were forced to live there against their will. They were most likely being treated like absolute crap just because of who their parents are. It isn't their fault for what their parents did. They were. . . innocent children being treated like villains.

They weren't getting the proper education. The proper meals, technology, nothing that the people in Auradon had. It was unfair. They're humans too. Rosalie swallowed the lump in her throat and turned, seeing that Ben had stood up. He had a hopeful look in his eyes and a nervous smile on his lips. Rosalie walked over to Ben and pulled him into a hug. "I'll help."

✓ |     rewrite the stars, jay j.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang