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THE TEENS HAD ARRIVED where the VK's once lived. Jay picked up a rock and threw it at a sign that read 'BEWARE flying rocks' and a gate opened up. Ben went to the doorway and looked back at his friends. "Wish me luck." They gave him all a nod before he went up the stairs. Rosalie looked to Evie and gave her hand a comforting squeeze.

A while later, Ben came down the stairs with no Mal by his side. Rosalie furrowed her brows and pushed herself off of the brick wall she had been leaning on. "Where is Mal?" She asked curiously, wondering why the blonde wasn't by Ben's side. Ben bit his lip before he responded.

          "She's not coming back." Ben said with a frown planted on his lips. Evie shook her head and told them that she would go up to speak to her, Ben walking off. Rosalie bit her lip, glancing to Jay who was watching Evie run up the stairs with a sad expression. Rosalie internally groaned and turned to run after Ben.

"Ben! Ben, wait up! These boots aren't so easy to run in." Rosalie called as she took a break from running and placed her hands on her knees. "Geez, who knew a Beast could run so fast?"

As Rosalie stood back up, an arm was wrapped around her neck and a gag was placed in her mouth, the chloroform knocking her unconscious. Harry Hook looked down at the unconscious redhead and smirked to himself. His father's hook that he had on his own hand trailed from her temple to her chin, making her chin lift up. "What a diamond prize." He whispered, accent thick. Looking up he could see his pirate buddies take an unconscious Ben away.

Harry grabbed Rosalie and lead her to where the Descendants were now shouting into the alley. All three teenagers were shouting out the names of Rosalie and Ben. "Ben! Ben, don't scare us like that." Evie sighed as the figures of Rosalie and Harry appeared. Rosalie was limp in Harry's arms.

"Don't scare you? But that's my specialty." Harry responded with a sinister smirk. Jay's eyes widened at the sight of a sleeping Princess Rosalie.

"Harry." Evie breathed out with narrowed eyes. Carlos looked to Jay, ready to grab him if he tried to pounce onto Harry.

"What did you do with Ben? And — and Rosalie? What the hell did you do?" Jay asked as he stared at his girlfriend.

Harry clicked his tongue and kicked dirt up with his right foot. "Oh, the King, we, uh, we nicked him. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And if you want to see him again, have Mal come to the Chip Shoppe tonight. Alone. Uma wants a little visit." Harry told them. Harry then looked down at Rosalie then back to Jay. "Aw, Jay. Seems like you've lost your touch. Maybe it's because you're little Princess is outcold. Strange sight, ain't it? Thought this could only happen to the Queens."

Jay lunged towards Harry, both Carlos and Evie needing to hold him back from attacking the blue eyed teenager. Even then it was hard, Jay was extremely angered. "Let her go and no one gets hurt." Carlos told Harry, lifting up one of his arms in mock surrender though Rosalie wasn't his girlfriend. Rosalie had become a caring older sister to Carlos and he didn't want to lose that.

          "Hey!" Harry barked at Carlos. "Keep your boy on a leash and this little angel doesn't get hurt." Harry sent them a wink before turning around and sauntering off with a sleeping Rosalie in his clutches.

PRINCESS ROSALIE STIRRED AWAKE. Her blurry vision soon adjusted, causing her to be able to see she was tied up to a chair in a restaurant of some sort. Her eyes then landed on Gil who was a bit too close. Gil jumped up, eyes wide. "Oh! She's awake, she's awake! Harry! Uma!" Rosalie furrowed her brows as her eyes darted around the restaurant, not having a single clue as to who Uma or Harry were.

She went to speak, but her words were muffled by the gag that was different with no chloroform. Harry Hook and Uma — daughter of Ursula — appeared from the shadows. Rosalie took in both of their looks. Harry was dressed in red and white and he was tall, and the hook on his hand was evidence that he was the one and only Captain Hook's son. As for Uma on the other hand, she was decked out in aqua and purple attire, her aqua dreads cascading down her back with a pirate hat atop her head. Uma raised a brow, Harry smirked, as they both stalked towards the princess.

"So you're the princess, huh? Little Miss Royal Advisor?" Uma asked, snatching the gag out of Rosalie's mouth. Rosalie hissed in pain, eyes narrowing as she thrusted her arms upwards in attempt to release herself from the rope.

"It's Princess Rosalie to you." Rosalie told Uma with a feisty attitude that she had never used before. Uma raised her brows in interest.

"Uma. Daughter of Ursula." Rosalie's gaze that was once on the ground lifted up to meet Uma's darkly. Uma chuckled. "Ah, got your attention now, huh? Listen princess, I'm not going to throw the whole 'since our parents are enemies we need to be too' bullshit, but I will ask one thing: what is it about the infamous street thief that made a princess want to date him?"

          Rosalie shook her head. "No, Jay's not like that anymore. He's changed."

          "Oh, sweetie, someone like that would never change." Uma's eyes turned snake-like as the shell on her neck began to glow dimly.

          "What do you mean someone like that?"

          "Someone who uses girls, gets what he wants, then throws them away like yesterday's newspapers. I'm guessing he hasn't told you about the past? Well, here on the Isle of the Lost, he was quite a bit of a player. In fact, he was mostly the coach. He tried to get my friend Harry here to become a player on his team, but Harry was the only one who stuck to his good intentions. Your boyfriend though, yikes. He'd date — more like use — any pretty girl he'd see. And you, well princess, you're pretty good looking." Uma told Rosalie. Rosalie was fighting in between staying awake and falling unconscious.

          Rosalie's head was beginning to pound. Harry untied her from the chair and Rosalie instantly began to rub her wrists with her hand softly. "Jay is just trying to use to, sweetheart. Really bites in the ass but once he gets what he wants, possibly your grandfather's triton or maybe even just yours powers as Royal Advisor to make you bring over more kids for his sake — for the villains to rule over Auradon. Because those were their true intentions since the beginning, weren't they?"

          Harry helped Rosalie stand. Rosalie fell into his arms, Harry holding her up. Harry took a glance at her paper than usual face then looked to Uma and nodded with a small smirk. Uma chuckled and fiddled with the shell around her neck. Rosalie looked up, and as if a flip had switched, all she felt was hatred towards the VK that went by the name of Jay. She snapped her head towards Uma, fiery red hair swinging around to her back. The leather jacket seemed to fit her even more perfectly and the red lipstick only stuck out more. Uma smirked and nodded. "Good girl."

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