Vacant Husband (Romano)

481 18 2

Your POV:

Lovino has been off as of late. 

It's been like this for weeks now. 

Though you've been extremely busy at work, you saw the mood shift in him. You two haven't been intimate either, and you wanted to make it up to him. To each person, you both deserve to figure things out and make up. 

He's always moody, yes.

But this time, it's different...

Your thoughts flooded your mind during work, almost costing you a loaf of bread to burn. It was slow for a change, and you decide to take a break to think things through for the sake of your marriage.

I'd never thought I would start worrying this early...

You were interrupted when the bell above the front door rang, signaling someone had entered the shop. You straightened yourself out and got up to greet them. "Hi! Welcome to-." You stopped, and to your surprise, it was Lovino. "Lovi!" You exclaim, going in for a hug when he detained you at arm's length—not permitting you to come any closer. "Hm? Is something wrong?"

He stayed silent and took a deep breath. "(Y/n), I've been meaning to talk to you..."

"Really? S-same here!" You say, pulling two chairs forward for you and him to sit on. "Let's talk then. Go ahead."

Lovino shook his head. "No, you first, please."

"Oh... okay." You cleared your throat and spoke. "I don't know if it's just me, but I feel we've been distant as of late. And I'm sorry..."

Lovino's eyes widened a bit. As if he was shocked by your straightforwardness. 

"Work has been hectic, but that's no excuse. I'm working around it so we can finally spend time together!" You chirp happily, bouncing off your seat. "Wow, that was easier than I thought! Now, your turn, Lovi~. What's on your mind?" You lean forward and gently rub his shoulder. 

Lovino removes your hand and sets it on top of your lap. "Ragazza..." His voice trembled, struggling to let words escape his lips. "You're going to hate me, and there's absolutely no way I can prevent it from happening." 

You titled your head. "Lovino, what are you talking about? I could never hate you! I'm sure whatever you did, it'll be okay-!"

"Ho una relazione! (I'm having an affair!)" He blurted out without hesitation. 

Your mouth hung agape. "I-I don't understand..." 

He stood up and towered over you. "What part don't you understand?! I've been cheating on you with someone else!" 

You shook your head in disbelief, your heartstrings snapping by the second. "Why..?" Your hands balled up into fists. You got up sharply, knocking over the chair behind you. "I asked why! Answer me! How... how could you?!" Your face flushed red with anger. 

"What the hell was I supposed to you?! Sedersi e aspettarti? (Sit around and wait for you?) It's been months since we've had sex! Hell, it's been forever since we've had a single date! Putting work first before us!" He admitted harshly. "At least, that person has given me something you have failed to provide."

You couldn't believe the words spilled effortlessly out of Lovino's mouth. More than anything, you were scared. He never yelled at you. And you weren't going to let him get away with it. "And you thought going out, and cheating on me would fill that empty void in your heart?! You should have come to me about our little dilemma head-on! But I guess you're the coward I've always pinned you for! All talk but no bite!" You shouted, pushing him away from you. 

You two panted heavily, worn out physically and mentally from the frustration and betrayal being tossed back and forth. 

"I see... I realized it too late, (Y/n). All I can say is... I'm sorry." Lovino hung his head. 

"Get out." 

"What?" He looked back up, seeing you grip a glass mug tightly in your hand. 

"You heard me. Get out and never come back..."

"Ma-. (But-.)

You threw the item with great strength at the wall behind him. It broke on impact and shattered into pieces on the floor, just like your heart. 

"I said get out!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. Lovino exited the door in a hurry and ran off.

"You're nothing but a coward..." You said, finally breaking down into tears, dropping to your knees, and wept on the glass-covered floor. Through the tears, you glance down at your wedding ring and began boiling with rage. To the point where you got up and threw it inside the fire oven that resided outside the backroom of the store. You watched as it melted into its original form. 

Afterwards, you flipped the sign in the front window from open to close. 

Apologies don't mean anything if you keep doing what you're sorry for.

💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 💔💔💔💔

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