Time Travel Entanglement (Romano)

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Your POV:

"(Y/n), wake up! For the dear love of God, wake up!" A faint, muffled voice shouted. "Please!" You opened your eyes and shot up like a rocket. Lovino, who was right beside you, smiled with teary eyes. He did the unexpected and pulled you into a tight hug. "Ragazza, I'm so happy you're alive! I thought I lost you! You weren't waking up..." He nuzzled himself on your shoulder, and you hug back. Pushing his hair back and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm alright, Lovi. Sorry for making you worry." You pulled away. Scanning your surroundings. "Where are we?" You ask, standing up. Dirt ground, light shining in through a small cement window, and in front of you, cell bars. All that you could see on the other side was a blinding white light. You squinted and rubbed your eyes.

"Stai bene? (You okay?)" Lovino questions, rubbing your back softy. You grin.

"I am, are you?" He freezes.

"No, we traveled back in time! The year 264 B.C!" His entire body shook in fear like a scared chihuahua. You gave him a blank stare.

"What now?"

"The worst years in history! The gladiator battles!" Lovino exclaimed.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" You two hear from outside. The crowd roared with cheers and whistles. Lovino fell to his knees.

"È tutto finito... (It's all over...) They're coming for us..." He whispered. You crouched down to his eye level.

"Lovi, we can get us out of this mess together. Right?" You asked. Lovino gazes into your (e/c) eyes and looks down.

"Oh, ragazza. You always know what to say." He kisses your hand. And picking himself up and you as well. "It won't be easy, but we'll have to fight our way to victory, unfortunately." He cracked his knuckles.

Grabbing a nearby gladiator armor, he put it on and handed another one to you. You two prepared for battle: a sword and a shield in your hands. You trembled in fear, not thoroughly thinking this through. If this is a dream or not, it felt beyond real. The cell doors open. Lovino stepped forward first, and you followed behind. The rays of the burning sun blinded you for merely seconds until your vision became clear. A massive arena filled with thousands of people surrounding you and Lovino. He had a severe look on his face. He glared at the onlookers. Making you wonder how he felt about these fights in the past. By the looks of it, it wasn't a positive reaction.

"L-Lovino?" Your knees wobbled uncontrollably. "Do we have a plan to win?" 

"Not necessarily. All we had to do back then was defeat our opponent and survive." He casually said. 

"Say what now-?!" 

"Benvenuti a tutti al massacro di oggi! (Welcome everyone to today's massacre!)" You were interrupted by the announcer, who you could only hear when the audience was silent. With a loud voice, he ruled the arena with a few simple words.

"In one corner, we have the undefeated champion, the Undead Warrior! And his sidekick!" 

"Undefeated? Undead Warrior?" You quietly said, staring at Lovino. He turned away, avoiding your eyes. "You have some explaining to do, mister." You placed a hand on your hip. 

"I was always forcefully involved in these fights, and since I never died no matter how many significant injuries, they gave me that nickname. You know that story already, but the people didn't. I've seen my fair share of slaughtered people and animals." The tone in his voice changed drastically. 

"Lovino..." You placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"And in the other corner, our four hundred and thirty-pound lion!" 

Are my ears deceiving me, or did I hear that correctly?

You thought as your question got answered as an enormous lion pounced from inside the cell bars. 

Nearly the size of a full-grown bear, it immediately eyed the two of you down.

"Resta dietro di me. (Stay behind me.) Once I distract it, make a run for it. There's always a way out of here." Lovino said, putting aside his cowardness that outmatched Feliciano's. All for your sake. You see his hands trembling with fear. 

"No! I'm staying here to help you!" You protested as you stomped down your foot. 

"No, you're not! One wrong move, and you could die!  Please don't argue with me on this! Your safety is my number priority! Smettila di essere testardo! (Stop being stubborn!)" He retorted back stronger.

"Look who's talking! I'm capable of protecting myself, including you!" Both of your faces flushed bright red as you argued back and forth. Unaware of the fact the lion charging towards you. Lovino acted faster and pushed you out of the way. The beast threw him across the ground. Unable to protect himself as his weapons slipped from the fall. 

"Lovino!" You screamed, racing at them with your sword ready to strike. The crowds cheered in amusement. Lovino held back the lion with his forearm in its powerful jaws. He strangely noticed a bright and shiny object inside its mouth. Without thinking, he reached in and yanked it out. A slimy solid gold pocketwatch emerged. The lion swiftly pulled away from Lovino, releasing his bloody arm. Now tame as a loyal dog. It made its way back into the cell. Leaving the audience in shock that soon turned into displeasure. You quickly dropped everything and ran to Lovino. Ignoring the constant booing from the people. 

"Someone was grumpy by this stuck in its mouth," Lovino said, holding the watch in his other hand. "Are you okay, ragazza?" You cringe at the question.

"Me?! I'm fine but you! You got hurt because of me!" You sobbed uncontrollably. He avoided your gaze. 

"Don't cry. I'll cry too..." Lovino mumbled. You wiped your tears away and picked him up. Draping his uninjured arm over your shoulder, and carried him back into the cell from before. Setting him down on the ground gently. You attended to his wound, which cut deep in his skin. 

"(Y/n)... I'm s-sorry for yelling at you. I was just scared." He apologized, looking your way as your stare focused at his wound. You sighed softly. 

"I'm sorry too. Because of me, you got injured in my place. Though you're immortal, that doesn't mean you don't feel pain... You're right. I am stubborn." You raised your head not to let your salty tears fall. Lovino cupped a side of your face with his free hand. Wiping the tears clean with his thumb. 

"Stop it. It's not your fault. If you weren't stubborn, our relationship wouldn't be as interesting." You laughed at his comment. His slight frown turned into chuckling. You then finished the job and hoped for a better opportunity to heal his arm fully.

When all settled down, you find a slip of paper inside the watch—instructing to set a desired place and time. Without certainty, it'd work and bring you two back; you put in modern time. You two waited. 

"No matter what happens, I'll always want you by my side. (Y/n)..." Lovino held your hand tightly. You smiled and kissed his hand. 

"I wouldn't want it any other way." 

The bright light engulfed everything in its path. 


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