A Honey Moon (England)

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Your POV:

"Oh, Artie! Really?! Our honeymoon is going to be in the U.S?! I never saw that coming!" You exclaimed happily, patting Arthur's back. He smiled nervously.

"I thought it'd be different for us, you know?" He held your hand tightly. You giggled.

"What if we see Alfred?" You said, making him hang his head low.

"God, please no..." You laughed, pushing his buttons on purpose. You couldn't wait for all the fun adventures that were waiting for you two in California!


You two settled down at a gorgeous hotel close to the beach. You bounced around happily, Arthur watching your every move.

"What do you want to do first, love?" He asks, settling you down by holding your shoulders. You thought about it for a minute.

"Hm... oh! I know! Can we cruise around Fisherman's Wharf? I want to explore as much as possible!"

He chuckles. "Of course. We can also go through the Golden Gate Bridge at night. Along with other activities too. How does that sound?" He took hold of your hand and kissed it gently. You blush and press your forehead against his.

"That sounds amazing..."


You two strolled near the docks that were drowning in sea lions. Moving around like sacks of dough. You laughed at your thought. Arthur gazed beyond the docks. You watched him as he continued to do so without realizing it. His emerald eyes glistening like crystals.

"Not as bad as you originally thought, right, Iggy~?" You teased, tracing your finger up and down his arm. Despite being caught in a haze, Arthur heard your comment and was quick to jump on it too. He scoffed, turning away.

"As if! Almost every country has an outstanding view when looked over an ocean." He replied, putting his arm around you. You laughed, grasping his arm.

"Well said, Artie. Although, you have the best views no matter where we go. But the best view I'll ever have is standing right in front of me." You kissed his cheek. He blushed profoundly.

"That's not fair, love. I'm supposed to say those things to you."

After some cruising around and stopping by to eat at a restaurant, you two rented a car and drove through the Golden Gate Bridge. As the sun set and nighttime rose above all, you couldn't help but open the roof of the vehicle and stare in awe at the structure. The wind blew through your hair, creating a pleasing sensation on your scalp. The lights shined down upon you and Arthur. The warmth of the air and the smell of the sea mixed rather perfectly on the first day of this honeymoon. You crawled back into the car and sighed.

"Wow. What a day." You said, putting your seatbelt back on. Arthur smirked, placing a hand on your thigh.

"I hate to tell you this, love. But the day wasn't ended yet. Far from it." He glanced quickly at you. You gulped, trying to control your mind.

"Please," You adjusted yourself and turned to face him. "Expand more on that statement~."


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