It's Okay, Love (England)

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Your POV:

You tossed back and forth and muttered words in your sleep. Unexpectedly, you fling your arm to your side, accidentally hitting Arthur, and exclaim, "You're such a twat!" The action woke you and your partner up.

"What was that for? Are you okay?" He asked sleepily, his eyes not even open.

You realized everything that you had experienced was thankfully a dream. "Oh my gosh, Arthur! I am so sorry!" You stopped midsentence, detaining yourself. "Sorry..." You whispered once more before getting out of bed and walking out the bedroom. When you began to feel more awake, you quietly exited the house. Before you realized it, you had made your way to Hyde Park.

 Before you realized it, you had made your way to Hyde Park

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It was so quiet that you could hear a single pin drop.

You walked in circles around the fountain and eventually sat down on the edge. Gazing at the water, which glistened due to the moonlight.

That nightmare was realistic and painful but on the other hand, do I see Arthur as desperate and pathetic as he was in my dream?

You shook your head and rubbed your forehead in circles.

No, of course not!

"(Y/n)!" A voice called out within the darkness. Arthur appeared under a street lamp a few feet away, stopping to catch his breath and resting his hand against the post. He saw you and headed in your direction. "Are you alright? You ran out in the middle of the night!" He exclaimed worryingly. You see, he too ran out without a second thought, seeing he was still in his pajamas and barefoot.

"I'm sorry, Artie..." You say quietly, bringing your knees to your face. "I had an awful nightmare, and got aggravated and accidentally hit you. Please forgive me..."

Arthur sensed your sadness; taking a seat next to you, he grabbed your shoulder and pulled you closer. "It's okay, love. I'm sure you meant no harm." It fell silent. Crickets chimed in the water from the fountain that ran slowly. "You can tell me if you want, but if not, I understand too."

His words calmed you. "If you say so..."


"Wow..." That was all Arthur could manage to say.

You remained muted from the embarrassment. "I swear I don't think of you that way! Far from it!" You expressed tearfully, grabbing onto his shoulders. "And I know you would never cheat on me..!" 

His emerald eyes softened, feeling your hands trembling on his body. "Then..." He began slowly. "Why does your voice sound unsure?" 

You gasp, removing yourself from him. "No... I..." You stopped and took a deep breath. "Is it that obvious?"

"But why?"

"Unwanted doubts that a person can have, I think. My mind has been frail lately with me trying out new spells and the piles upon piles of work on my desk. They may have formed into a nasty nightmare, and since you're always on my mind, my insecurities decided to take advantage of that."

"I see..." Arthur says. "I'm not offended by your depiction of me, I swear. And I can see myself acting that way. And again, the only unrealistic of it is I would never in a million years cheat on you. No amount of magic could even force me to commit such an unspeakable act." He states in a serious tone. "And please, not even for half a second, doubt me or my love for you. I could live an infinite amount of lives and still try to make you the happiest person on earth."

You covered your face with your hands, letting the tears stem endlessly. "Why are you so good at me...?" 

Arthur pulled you into an embrace and rested his head on your shoulder. "Because you deserve it and so much more. But the only things I can provide at the moment are my love and support. I hope that's okay."

You melt in his arms and sniffled. "It's more than enough, Iggy... thank you..." 

"My pleasure, (Y/n)." He took the opportunity and swept you off the ground, carrying you back home in his comforting arms. "So... you're always thinking of me?" He asks, blushing like a school girl. 

You giggle and snuggle up against him. "All the time..."


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