Time Travel Entanglement (Canada)

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Your POV:

"No! Don't go!" You yelled, shooting up straight from a terrible nightmare. Matthew got up from his seat and rushed to your side.

"Maple, what's wrong?" He asked, grasping your hand. Eyes locked with one another. You scanned him up and down. You titled your head in confusion until you realized your surroundings—an old tent. 

"N-nothing..." You let go of him and removed the blanket that was on top of you. "What are you wearing? And where are we?" You questioned, inspecting the area. Matthew wore an old WWII Candian uniform. He chuckled nervously.

"I don't know how, maple. Mais nous avons voyagé dans le passé. (But we've traveled into the past.) Specifically, 1943." You blinked your tired eyes.

"Excuse me?" You peeked outside, seeing that the tent was on a campsite in the middle of nowhere. You felt lightheaded. "Oh, dear... we were on our honeymoon... now, we're here..." You sat down on the chair Matthew was previously on.

"I know, it's a lot. But we'll get out of this mess and return." Matthew grabbed your hand and kissed it. Feeling the cold redating from his fingers. Yet, what you received was a warm feeling.

"Let's see what we're up against." You got dressed in a woman's uniform and headed outside. 

As soon as you two took a step out, whistling and cheers rang through the area

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As soon as you two took a step out, whistling and cheers rang through the area. The soldiers teased both of you.

"Quelqu'un s'est fait baiser! (Someone got laid!)" One shouted from behind the crowd swarming you and Matthew. You growled, gritting your teeth. He patted your shoulder, calming you down slightly. Matthew chuckled and brushed them all off by saying,

"It's not what it seems, fellas. I guess you're all just jealous because I have this beautiful girl by my side. But don't get your trousers in a twist." That just made the men question the couple even more. They ignored them and wandered away. In a nearby bay, you gazed out into the ocean. You watched the crashing waves upon the rocks on the shore. You feel something ominous come over you, like an eerie aura announcing that something terrible was going to occur.

"Were you winning during this time?"

"Sorta. For the war went on for another two years." You and Matthew sat down next to each other on the ground. You pulled your knees toward you. 

"It must've been tough for you and your crew. I can't imagine what you've been through. Some people forget some people don't."

"Oui (Yes.) That's how it is, maple. But we decide to choose if it affects us or not, right?" You smiled and nodded. Matthew leaned in for a kiss until a scream in the distance halted his action. You both turn in the direction of the source and see from afar that the camp is being under attack. You and Matthew rapidly got up and ran as fast as you both could to the base. The enemy side had infiltrated the group in a blink of an eye. You witnessed the men fighting with their lives. Matthew tackled the captain of the group to the down with great force. Your legs felt like jello, shaking in fear. Not knowing what to do. You took a few steps towards them when Matthew shouted,

"Don't, (Y/n)! I-I got this!" He mashed the man's face into the mud, trying to detain him. He was on the edge of winning until the enemies pried him off of him. You ran to help him until you were detained as well, but that's when Matthew started to lose it. 

"Laissez-la partir! (Let her go!)" He screamed. The man chuckled, wiping the mud off his face, and stood up. Taking the opportunity to strike Matthew in the face. His glasses flew off and cracked on impact. 

"Matthew!" You yelled, struggling to escape. Before you had a chance to process everything that was happening, they knocked you out cold along with your newlywed. 


You were yanked away from a deep sleep, shaken until you awakened. A man from the camp helped you up. Witnessing that a tremendous amount of supplies and people were snatched away. You scanned around, with no sight of Matthew anywhere. 

"Where is he?" You whispered. The man hung his head low. Too ashamed to answer your question. "Where is he?" You asked again with a more assertive tone, staring in his direction. He gulped and responded,

"They took him. The captain. We... couldn't stop them..." Those words hurt like no other. 

The words repeated in your head. You needed a few minutes until you composed yourself mentally and decided something without a second thought. 

"We're going to get him back. Along with everyone else that was taken from us." You stated, picking up Matthew's glasses from the ground and storing them in the pockets of your uniform.

"Miss, that's-." 

"Possible. I hope that was what you were going to say, second in command." You smiled forcefully, handing him a lee-Enfield rifle. The remaining troops overhearing the conversation stood behind him, waiting for his response. He nodded, taking the gun in his hands. 

"I have something for you and the captain." He said, giving you a solid gold pocket watch. "I was instructed to say that it'll help you two go back home? Whatever that means." You open it and see the mechanics inside—six different slots to insert the desired time. 


"Dites-nous! (Tell us!)" The enemy's captain shouted at Matthew as he struck him in the gut this time. "Tell us where the rest of the troops are!" He spilled blood from his mouth, his arms tied behind him. 

"Like I'd tell you anything about where my allies are!" Matthew snapped back, his pleasant, quiet exterior breaking off. The man scoffed. 

"That's a shame, too bad no one's coming for you. At least, that's the order every captain gives to their comrades, right?" He flicked him on the forehead. Matthew stayed silent. Responding to his question without saying a single word. "Hm. Thought so." 

Maple... I pray that you're alright...

Matthew closed his eyes. His mindset is interrupted upon hearing screams of the enemies outside of the tent. Stepping through the entrance was none other than his troops and his wife. 

"H-how did you-?!" The captain stuttered, trying to take out his pistol only to be shot out of his hands by you. 

"I think you have something of mine." You said, motioning towards Matthew. His face lit up like night stars. 

Sneaking inside the enemy's base and taking it over was a piece of cake, with everyone doing their part and working together—one step forward for the war that would continue for another two more years. After a touching reunion, you and Matthew managed to figure out the clock's mechanics and waited to be brought back to reality. You put his glasses on his features and smiled.



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