I Love You (Canada)

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Your POV:

"What do you want to do for the fourteen, maple?" Matthew asked from inside the bathroom, getting ready for bedtime. 

You sat your book down on the nightstand and thought it over. "I'm not sure yet, but we'll figure something out." You stretched your four limbs out like a starfish on the bed and sighed. 

"Sounds good." Matthew turned off the bathroom's lights and joined you, landing in your arms. 

You climbed on top of him and grinned. "But I need to know this right now. You're going to make lots of love to me on that day, right?" 

His face flushed bright red, his hands placed on your hips. "Y-Yeah! O-Of course!" 

You laughed and hugged him. "Have all my babies, Mattie!" 

Matthew gasped. "Déjà?! (Already?!)"


After a delicious breakfast, you two got ready midday and decided to go with the flow: no plan or anything. So, you challenged Matthew to something you knew that he was better at than you, but you wanted to try either way. 

"Hey, I think I found our first activity." You said, walking through the city while holding his hand. 

"Yeah? What is it?" Matthew questioned curiously. 

You pointed towards an indoor ice rink in the distance with your free hand. "A hockey match. You versus me. And no holding back."

"D'accord! Faisons-le! (Okay! Let's do it!)" He happily accepted, and you instantly regretted it when it fully hit you that he wasn't going to take it easy just because you're his beloved wife. 

Thankfully no one was around to see him utterly demolish you. And not in a good way either. 

You adjusted your mask and stick. One against one was difficult for the game but not possible. Switching the original sport by placing multiple pucks out, and whoever scored the highest number of pucks in the opposing side's goalie won. 

And with that said, game on. 

Matthew swiftly skated past you and began making goals left and right. You scored several before he skated around you, having already finished. 

"No fair!" You pouted, waving your stick in frustration.  

Matthew laughed softly at your behavior. "After a few more rounds, want to grab a quick bite?" 

You smiled and nodded. 


Walking through the currently couple-infested streets, you two searched for a nice place to eat and possibly receive entertainment at the same time. A smirk crossed your lips when you spotted a familiar location where it's well known in several different countries. 


You gripped the microphone in your hands tightly. "This song is dedicated to a special person with me tonight." 

That's right. 


More importantly, one that had private rooms. 

Matthew sat on the small couch across from you, raising his glass of whiskey and taking a small sip. Food and snacks were scattered on the table. You had previously taken a shot or two or three. 

(A/N: I have no clue. Who's counting? Not me. :p) 

To take on the challenge to sing directly to him. You took a deep breath before being interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" You said. 

The person peeked their head inside. "(F/n) (L/n)? Delivery from a Matthew Williams." 

You titled your head, looking over at Matthew, whose face turned bright pink. 

They walked in and set a gorgeous tulip bouquet in the middle of the table. "Good day!" said the person, then left with grace.  

"Aw, Mattie! Thank you so much! They're wonderful!" You exclaimed happily, jumping on his lap and embracing him—your chest in his face

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"Aw, Mattie! Thank you so much! They're wonderful!" You exclaimed happily, jumping on his lap and embracing him—your chest in his face. The alcohol started to kick in. 

The pink on his face altered to a deep shade of red as he hugged you back. "You're welcome, maple. Je t'aime... (I love you...)" Matthew mumbled through your sweater fabric. You sang your song to him as he proceeded to cuddle you. Feeling on top of the world.

Happy Valentine's Day! <3


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