Vacant Husband (Canada)

617 23 11

Your POV:

"How was the honeymoon? You guys were isolated for two whole weeks. What did you two do that entire time there?" Kuma innocently asked while walking beside you. You and he had gone grocery shopping for the week, and he helped keep you company.

You chuckled nervously. "Well, how should I put this in a way your cute little brain will understand and for you not to question any further? I'll say that the honeymoon was great, and we played many games." You trailed off.

"Like board games?"

"Yeah, something like that..."

Ah, yes! Right there, Mattie! Please, I need it!

A memory flashed in your mind, and you quickly brushed it away as your cheeks flushed red.

"You and that guy, I can't remember his name, will live happily together, right?" Kuma asked, snapping you out of your daydream.

You smiled. "Of course, and you'll be there too with us. Every step of the way." You petted his head gently.

I wonder why Matthew decided to stay home. He usually comes with us. Too bad, too, since we finished earlier than expected. We typically take hours looking at things we will never buy.

You giggled to yourself, though your laughter died down as you saw a woman standing outside the front door. "Um, excuse me? Can I help you with something?" You asked curiously. 

The woman faced you and gave you a crooked smile. "Oh, non. (Oh, no.) Don't tell me you're the lady of the house." 

"I am. And who are you?" You questioned, doubt beginning to rise. 

She pointed into the distance through the darkness of the trees. You looked towards where she told you and saw Mattew appear. His face turned pale upon the sight of the two women. "(Y/n)?" He said barely above a whisper. 

The mysterious girl stepped in between the couple. "I'll be on my way. I came at the wrong time..." Leaning against your ear and whispered, "I'm sorry. Tu mérites mieux... (You deserve better...)" She left, and you were frozen in place. A situation stood before you that you'd never imagine in a million years. 

Matthew, your 'precious' Matthew is cheating on you. Those words in the same sentence didn't seem real, but they were. 

"Please tell me this is a nightmare..." You dropped the bags in your hands. The items spilled onto the ground. "Kuma," You gazed down at him, forcing a smile on your lips. "Please go inside. This won't take long." You opened the door, and he stepped inside before looking back sadly as you closed the door. You dropped the facade and stared at Matthew, your hand forming into fists. "Tell me the truth, now." You ordered, your voice cracking by the second.

"After I proposed, it suddenly dawned on me. Will I be good enough? Should I have practiced before being in a full-time commitment?" Matthew sighed, adjusting his glasses. "That woman helped me pass those doubts, and before we knew it, it grew into something more. She was another person who noticed me..."

His words pierced through your heart. 

"Mais je l'ai fait pour nous ! (But I did this for us!) So I can be a man who's worthy of you! I'll break it off, I swear-!" 

You halted his blabbering by slapping him across the face. His glasses flew off, shattering upon impact and leaving a red handprint on his skin. "I... gave you all I had, and you threw it away like it was nothing! It's not my fault you can't feel like a man and need to be seen! Wasn't I enough?!" You yelled through the tears. "You were born alone," You took your wedding ring. "And if the day comes, you'll die alone." Tossing the ring as far and hard as you could onto the wilderness. With that, you fled from the house, bawling. 

I'm so sorry, Kuma! Mommy won't be around anymore...

Three rules in relationships: Don't lie, don't cheat, and don't make promises you can't keep.

💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 💔💔💔💔

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