The Capture (part 2)

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Chloe's pov~

"Alright it was nice seeing you again Diablo." Laurent and Larry share a quick brotherly hug with Diablo before dapping each other up one last time. After staying for a couple more hours the guys finally deemed it the right time to head over to the carnival, much to my joy. The longer we stayed there the more fidgety I became, it felt like I was going stir crazy. Don't get me wrong Diablo is a really cool guy, but damn he is a chatty little thing. Whenever Laurent or Larry would give so much as a sign that they wanted to leave Diablo would come up with a new topic to talk about, and the guys went right along with it. So the fact that we are actually stepping out of Diablo's loft right now, seems like a miracle.

"Bye baby girl, I hope to see you again soon." Diablo bent down to my level and wrapped me up in a warm hug which I gladly returned, "Bye Diablo." With one final hug and talks about meeting up in the near future we had finally stepped out of Diablo's apartment building and made it to our rental car.

With me in the passenger seat and Laurent driving I turned to look at Larry in the back, "Can I get piercings like the ones Diablo has in his ears?"

"Like spacers?"

"Yeah, they look so cool, different." Larry's face twisted up and I pulled out my best puppy dog eyes, sticking out my lip in a small pout. "Oh just let her brother." I beamed at Laurent causing him to send me a small wink. With a huff Larry sinks back into the leather, "Fine I guess Chloe, but you no go bigger than a zero, you get me?"

"Yes, yes I get you. Thank you LaLa!" I can't believe he said yes, oh gosh, is Larry dying?


"Now remember what I say little one, stay by me and my twin's side." Larry had to have said this to me over 20 times already, and we've only been here for five minutes! But I understand their concern, after I told them I could feel their change in emotion almost instantly. They are nervous for what could happen if Rider were to get a hold of me at this point.

I had this feeling in my gut, that something was going to go wrong, terribly wrong. It freaked me out cause we were at an amusement park, just like Final Destination. Okay let me stop before I give myself a panic attack. Snapping out of my thoughts I look to see that Laurent and Larry were paying for our bracelets and tickets, "Come on Chloe, let's get a funnel cake!" Laurent waves me over frantically before sprinting off to the nearest food truck, chuckling to myself I run after him, equally excited for a funnel cake. Coming up beside Lau I hear him finishing up our order, "You better have ordered me a Diet Coke LooLoo." Laurent whips around and flashes me a bunny smile that mirrors his brother's, however Laurent doesn't posses the crooked teeth like Larry, but it has the same affect. "Of course I get you your drink little one, who I be if I didn't?" Laurent throws his arm around my shoulder before leading us to a wooden picnic table placed under a tent so we could wait for our food. Taking a quick glance around my eyebrows knit together, "Lau, where's Larry?"

"He over there." Laurent extends one long arm and points to a spot near the Ferris wheel, and sure enough Larry was there flirting it up with a dark skinned girl. Rolling my eyes I turn my attention back to Laurent, "Qui est le skank?" (Who's the skank?) You might think that I'm being a little over dramatic, oh but I'm not. The girl was a total slut. Her top was three sizes to small, her shorts could be considered underwear, and she had to be wearing six inch heels. Like really, you're at a carnival, not a club. Not only that but the girl's face was literally a cake, icing and all, then again maybe that's why she's here, to work as a clown. Gosh I worry about Larry's taste in women sometimes.

A gentle shove pulls me back to reality, only to find Laurent's eyes wide with shock. "Chloe ce est si rude! Mais elle est juste une autre prostituée qui attire Larry, elle se approcha de lui quand nous sommes allés chercher de la nourriture." (Chloe that is so rude! But she is just another whore that Larry attracts, she walked up to him when we went to get food.) A loud cackle bursts from my throat hearing Laurent's reply, we both know very well the type of women Larry attracts. Wiping away invisible tears I tried to catch my breath before I passed out due to lack of oxygen. I must have been laughing for a while because once I was able to calm down Laurent was already going to town on his funnel cake, pig. "It's not going to up and leave if you don't finish it in three seconds Lau."

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