The Call

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Larry's pov ~

"You never know how important something is to you until it's gone." people would say, and boy wasn't that an understatement right now. With Chloe gone I realized how much I actually cared and loved her, she had become like my little sister over these last few months. Now that she's gone nothing seems to be the same, dancing doesn't even feel the same. I never really knew Chloe made such a big impact on me and my brother, Chloe always made our day better. Her smile brightened our day, her laugh was contagious if Chloe was laughing then everyone was too, and Chloe's chakra was like no other's. Her chakra could literally be felt from a mile away it was that powerful, it made you feel light and happy, like nothing bad could happen to you..almost like a safety blanket. When me and my brother were around Chloe we couldn't help but smell her chakra, it was like a drug to us and our own chakras. But with her gone our chakras are changing, instead of them being full of energy and life they are diminishing into nothing. 

India was here now, she had gotten here about an hour ago and let me just tell you she is fuming. Not at me or my brother but at Chloe, saying that what she had done was selfish. That Chloe wasn't thinking of anybody but herself, she only wanted to save her own ass and didn't care about ours. I tried not to take what India was saying seriously because I know that half of the stuff that was leaving her mouth wasn't true. India has always been over protective of me and Laurent, it's not that we ever got bullied or anything, India has just always been this way with us. But her talking bad about Chloe is crossing the line, India barely knew Chloe for a few months so she has no right to bad mouth her.

"I swear Chloe is so selfish, thinking of no one but herself!"

"You no know Chloe India so stop talking shit! I ask you to help us, not sit here bad mouthing Chloe! So either help us or leave!"

India's eyes widen slightly when I shout at her, never in my entire 25 years of life have I ever shouted at a women apart of the Bourgeois family. You so much as raise your voice an octave at a Bourgeois lady and your ass is practically grass. So me raising my voice at India shocks both me and her, but India crossed a line that she knows she shouldn't have. Putting her head down a little she sighs, "I'm sorry Larry, that was uncalled for."

"Just help us find Chloe, please." nodding India walks away with her head still down, no doubt feeling guilty for what she said. Something catches my eye making me turn around, I wince when Laurent's figure walks through the kitchen door. His face had lost all life leaving him a nasty pale color, the once vibrant dark orbs now were hollow and empty, bags had started to form under his eyes making Laurent look 5 years older. It broke my heart that Laurent blamed himself for Chloe leaving, no matter how many times I try to drill into his head that Chloe leaving wasn't his fault Laurent would just ignore me. This is actually the first time I see him out of his room, after calling India I had to climb into his room again and move his bed out of the way so I could enter from the inside. It took about an hour to complete the task seeing as I had to move the mattress and bed frame by myself. But even with the door unblocked Laurent wouldn't step foot outside of his room, the only reason he is probably out and about right now is because hunger finally got the best of him. Noticing a deep frown sketched into my brother's face I frown, the protective side I have for Laurent coming out instantly. Walking up to my twin I place my hand on his shoulder and give him a small smile, "Hi brother."

Laurent looks at me and stares for a little bit before continuing towards the fridge. "Hello Larry." the sound of his voice makes chills run up my spine, it was so void of any emotion, like he wasn't even here with us anymore. "India here Lau, to help us find Chloe." At my words his eyes fill with hope, hope that our Little one will be brought back to us. However that emotion was gone within the next moment leaving me confused, "What is wrong brother, you no happy?" Laurent walks up to me and rests his head on my shoulder, a shaky breath was released before wetness started to fall on my shoulder. Heart broken I wrapped my arms around my twin tightly, hating that he was crying. "How I be happy when it my fault she gone Larry?" Anger surged through me, "It no you fault Laurent, you know that." Laurent just shakes his head releasing another sob, grabbing a hold of his small afro I pull his head up so he is looking straight into my eyes. Seeing all the dark emotions swimming in my brother's eyes almost causes me to cry, but I suck it up and give him a stern look. "Listen to me, it no you fault you hear? Never was you fault, I hear you say it one more time I slap you, d'accord!?" I know I should have said that in a lighter tone but with Laurent you have to be harsh in order to get stuff through his thick head, with tears still flowing down his cheeks Laurent nods slowly before burrying his head back into the crook of my neck.

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