Pieces to a Puzzle

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Laurent's pov ~

Larry and I had to go food shopping since my brother and Chloe ate all the food. Swear those two are like vacuums, one second there is plenty of food next thing you know there ain't even crumbs left over. Yeah I eat just as much as them, but they don't save me anything! Kid you not I have lost weight since we got here.

Walking into our condo with most of the groceries in my hands I set them down on the island in the kitchen, Larry soon comes in with the rest setting them down as well. Me and my brother stare at each other already thinking the same thing, where the fuck is Chloe? Listening closely we hear music being played outside in the back, making our way over there we find Chloe. We nearly break through the glass doors to get to her, she is in a corner of the patio curled up in a ball crying hysterically. Panting heavily trying to get oxygen into her lungs while rocking back and forth, staring off into space with a frightened look.

Hitting my brother on the shoulder I tell him to calm down already knowing what is happening to her. "Bro she having panic attack, go to her slow so not scare her. We have to snap her out of it." Once we reach her I gently reach out and place my hand on her shoulder, as soon as my hand makes contact she loses it. A yelp leaves Chloe's mouth before she backs up even further into her corner, panting heavily her cries rise in volume. Larry crouches down so they become eye to eye, "Chloe it us, LaLa and LooLoo. You okay calm down little one." Despite her struggles my brother finds a way to hold her in place making her look at him. The clouded look in her eyes slowly fades before disappearing completely, she stares at us both before pulling us towards her. Like at the hospital she makes us become her safety blanket, sobs coming from Chloe shake me and my twin. "We here Chloe, calm down."

We must have spent at least ten minutes over Chloe before she calmed down enough for us to move. Picking her up Larry and I stare at her, "What happen Chloe? You fine when we left?"

 Chloe visibly tenses up, darting her eyes everywhere but at me and Larry. Making us believe that something happened while we were gone, I share a glance with my brother, both of us already feeling anger flood through us. I swear if it has to do something with Rider I'll hunt that piece of sh*t down right now. Looking at Chloe I can see the pain and stress written all over her face, but a few seconds later it was gone. Like the war raging inside her head had finally come to an end. "No I'm fine guys, just a flashback that's all." Larry bends down to meet Little one's gaze, Chloe knows that he is all about eye contact, he likes for people to keep eye contact while talking to him.  As soon as Chloe averted her stare away from Larry only after a couple of seconds, we had our answer. She was lying to us. Snapping to his full height he crosses his arms and sets his jaw, "You lie Chloe, why? What happen when we leave?"

When she doesn't answer him I choose to come at her a different way, putting my hands on my knees I give her a gentle smile. Cocking my head to the side slightly I study her, "What happen Little one, you can tell us. We you brothers." Seeing her eyes soften greatly makes me mentally fist pump, that was until she shook her head and her gaze became hard. "I'm telling the truth guys, nothing happened. I-It was just a flashback, that's it." Hugging us tightly she speed walks to her room, shutting the door leaving us there swimming in confusion and curiosity. Shaking my head I shut off her music and bring it inside with me to the kitchen while Larry follows quietly. Entering the kitchen Larry hops on top of the counter while I lean against the island in the center, us both thinking and feeling the same thing.

"Bro why she lie to us? Nous avons vu pleurer hystériquement dans un coin et elle se trouve encore à notre visage, comme on ne voyait rien." (We saw her hysterically crying in a corner and she still lies to our face, like we saw nothing.)

"I have no idea, she look so scared Larry. I know something happen when we gone, it scare her enough to she no tell us." 

"Je vous parie tout est a son excuse désolé d'un frère Laurent. Il est le seul à effrayer Chloé comme ça, il doit avoir son ou quelque chose appelé." (I bet you anything it was her sorry excuse of a brother Laurent. He is the only one to scare Chloe like that, he must have called her or something.)

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