The Capture

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Chloe's pov~

Sleep didn't find me easily that night, I couldn't even shut my eyes for a minute without seeing Rider's face. I kept having to remind myself that he will never find me, that Laurent and Larry will protect me. But there was always that little voice in the back of my mind that told me other wise.

I didn't want to worry the boys, so when they came to my room when they got back I had to pretend to be asleep. It's a dumb decision I'm making I know that, but I can't bring myself to tell them. Things were just starting to go back to normal, Laurent and Larry were finally relaxing a little bit. Even though I know I'll have to tell them sooner or later, I'd rather choose later.

Rolling out of my now empty bed I walked into my closet, outfits already rolling around in my head. Today I chose an Adidas Jardim hoodie, ripped white jeans, and some Jordan 1 Flights. Laurent and Larry don't have anything going on for a couple days so I figured we could just chill. After taking a quick shower I slipped into my outfit of the day before finishing up my hygiene routine, deciding to let my curls loose I shake my hands through my wet hair before going in search of my brothers. Although a small part of me wishes that they were already out the door starting their day, because I knew that I would have to tell them what happened last night when I see them. The sound of cartoons met my ears as soon as I rounded the corner causing a smile to slip onto my face, these guys are children I swear.

"So why ya'll just going to sit around on your day off?" at the sound of my voice both of them jumped and spun around to fast it made ME dizzy. Their faces represented two small kids being caught with their hands in the cookie jar, I couldn't help it, I busted out laughing. Falling on the floor when I couldn't supply my lungs with the oxygen they needed, "Brother I think she laughing at us." Laurent's comment just makes me laugh harder than I already was, causing tears to leak out of the corners of my eyes.

After I laughed for a good five minutes I finally got the strength to calm down, only allowing small giggles to pass. "You done now?" Larry looks at me as if I've just lost my marbles making me roll my eyes, "Yes I'm done Larry. So what do ya'll want to do today?"

"I hear there a carnival at the mall, we go there?" Laurent and I share a quick glance before nodding our agreement to Larry, a funnel cake sounds amazing right about now.

"But first we have to go visit our friend."


"Diablo, we no see him for a while, so we go visit." I shrug my shoulders, I'm up for it. As long as the guys and I get to spend some time alone together I'm alright.

Arriving at Diablo's place I couldn't help but be impressed. I mean I knew the Criminalz Crew members were each rich because of the appearances they do and stuff, but damn I didn't know they were this loaded!

Diablo lived in a penthouse right in the heart of the city, it was on the 13th floor and had the most amazing view of New York. The furniture was all black while everything else was either white or Aqua, simply amazing. Now of course Laurent and Larry being them they decided to let themselves in without so much as a knock or a shout to Diablo to let him know we were here.

"Ugh, aren't you guys going to tell Diablo that we're here?"

"I already know." a voice behind me causes me to release a shrill scream and sprint over towards Laurent and Larry. I squeeze myself into their backs and try to calm my breathing so I wouldn't have a panic attack in the middle of this guy's living room. "Oh shit I'm so sorry baby girl, I didn't mean to scare you I swear!"

"It okay Diablo, she just jumpy." once I felt like I wasn't going to flip shit I peaked out from behind Laurent to see a tall lanky man standing there smiling warmly at me. Now slightly embarrassed I stepped out from behind the twins and shyly waved at Diablo, "Hi, sorry I freaked out on you. It's just, I don't like people sneaking up behind me."

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