Playing with Fire

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* Picture is of their condo *

Chloe's pov ~

Four months have pasted since we left Manchester, now we are in the beautiful Brazil. Laurent and Larry are supposed to appear on a show called Legendarios on the 17th of May, they both are extremely excited for this and can't stop talking about it. Literally yapping my ear off every hour, minute, and second about the damn show. India had left us last month since she was getting calls about her job, apparently India was the best person to go to if you wanted someone "out of the picture" per say. So that means people all over the world were ringing her up asking for her services. I was sad saying goodbye to India, being around her 24/7 for what seems like forever caused us to become basically sisters. But India promised me to come back as soon as all her work was done, so I'm not too depressed over her leaving us.

"Chloe I bored, play with me!"

I'm snapped out of my inner thoughts by Larry bouncing a soccer ball loudly in our living room, we had rented a medium sized condo while we were here in Brazil. Only due to the fact that we were tired of living out of hotel rooms. Glancing at Larry from the corner of my eye I see him giving me a small pouty face. My eyes snap away from him, if I stare to long at his pouty face I will surely lose and end up saying yes.

"Why don't you ask Laurent to play with you Larry? I'm watching a movie."

"He sleep, and I learn long time ago never wake Laurent when he sleeping."

I nod slowly while a smile grows on my lips, I too have learned to never wake Laurent up while he is sleeping. I groan loudly before picking myself up off the couch and walk outside ahead of Larry, I guess I'll watch the movie later. "Yes!" he races ahead of me to the backyard area which is nothing but sand. The mid-day sun beats down on us making me throw my hair up into a high bun, taking the soccer ball away from Larry I start to kick it around waiting for him to finish putting his twists in a ponytail. We made makeshift goals out of rocks and begin our game, "First to 5 goals win!" Larry screamed out as he kicked the ball causing it to fly towards the goal, my leg shot up meeting the ball right when it was going to cross the line. I began dribbling the ball with my feet, well as much as I could in the sand. Larry tries to steal it but I'm to quick, kicking the ball right between his legs and sprinting with the ball and successfully score my first goal. "No fair you cheat!" Larry throws his hands up in the air before pointing at me accusingly, "Larry don't be such a baby, you know I didn't cheat." He pouts making me laugh and pass the ball to him.

After our game I ended up wining by two goals, so now Larry is pouting around the condo because he lost to a girl. Constantly telling me over and over again that I somehow cheated in our game and that is the only reason I won, Larry is possibly the biggest sore loser out there, he is more worst than Laurent and that's saying something.

Laurent's pov ~

Waking up from my nap I rolled out of bed and stretched out my long limbs, best nap of my life. Shaking out my Afro I pull on some basketball shorts before heading towards the kitchen, I walk through the white swinging door only to find Larry and Chloe in a heated argument, and by the sound of English and French mixed I can tell they were both equally pissed. About what I have no clue but the fact that it has to be me that breaks up this little argument causes my eyes to roll around in my head.

"You are such a sore loser Larry I didn't cheat!!"

"Oui, vous avez Chloé! Vous êtes un tricheur et je ne suis pas un mauvais perdant!" (Yeah you did Chloe! You're a cheater and I am not a sore loser!)

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