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Chloe's pov~

I didn't even have time to realize what was happening. Everything happened too fast. One minute I'm sitting tied down to a wooden chair, the next I'm thrown over Rider's shoulder being hauled up a flight of stairs, the woman right behind us. Nothing was processing anymore, my brain wouldn't allow me to form a coherent thought. I could only think one thing.

Larry and Laurent were here.

I wanted to scream, fight like hell and yell at the top of my lungs to get their attention. Not for them to find me, but for them to turn around and get the hell out of dodge. I wanted to escape this hell hole, only God knows how bad. However I didn't want Laurent and Larry to be here, risking their lives for me, a ruined soul. If something would have happened to them, because of me, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"Rider where the fuck are you going?!" The woman's voice bounced off the cement walls loudly, increasing the booming headache I already had due to her heavy feet pounding on the stairs.

"Just keep quiet and follow me!" Rider's constant movement caused his shoulder to drill itself into my stomach, making the fabric of his shirt rub roughly on my new cuts. Tears blurred my vision at the feeling of the wounds reopening, fresh blood oozing out and collecting on Rider's white shirt.

Suddenly gun fire could be heard all around us, the copper bullets zipping through the air, causing howls of pain to erupt from the metal meeting its mark. It took me a while to realize we were on the roof, the constant movement must have caused me to pass out momentarily. The sky seemed to spin in circles, making bile come up the back of my throat, but I forced the vile stomach acid back down. Scared that if I were to throw up all over Rider he'd kill me.

The old building shook violently beneath us, the noises of an explosive going off following quickly. What the hell was going on down there? My chest tightens painfully at the thought of Laurent and Larry being anywhere near that explosion.

God why is this happening to me, what have I done so wrong for you to deal me this fate? My inner thoughts raged at the heavens, wailing and hollering for an answer that I knew wasn't going to come in this life time or even the next. This is all my mothers fault, she brought me into this world and gave me this hellish fate. This fate that no one deserves, not even the evilest of humans. This life of pain and misery shouldn't be bestowed on anyone or their enemies. Maybe it's because I shouldn't be here, and God is just giving me not so subtle hints that I should join him in the after life. Away from this second hell and go to the motherland with him.

"Rider what are we going to do?!" I'm snapped from my thoughts from the woman in a hysterical fit. The once strong looking and sounding woman was sat a few feet away from me rocking back and forth, sobs and hiccups slipping from her masked lips.

"Chill the fuck out and let me think!" Rider's voice came out dark, his anger showing clear in his words. Automatically I flinch away, my body pressing itself almost painfully against the old brick wall.

More explosions shook the building, thick black smoke raising up into the sky. Shouts of pain could be heard less frequently now, and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. What if something happened to Laurent and Larry? Leaning my head back against the wall I stare at the starry night with dewy eyes, the thought of something happening to my brothers sending me into an emotional mess. I've tried to let them go, let them go because I knew in my heart that I wouldn't survive this. They would have a better life, a life carefree and less emotional then the one they're living currently. But I just couldn't. Laurent and Larry were a bigger part of me then I once assumed, they were my family. And people always say that the young aren't supposed to be buried first. I guess that's why I haven't truly given up yet, because I didn't want to put them through that. I didn't want them to have to go through the heartbreak of burying their baby sister.

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