Over Worked

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Larry's pov~

These past few days have been difficult, for obvious reasons. It feels like someone pressed rewind and took us back three months earlier, to when Chloe left us the first time. The emotions were the same: anxiety, depression, anger, and confusion. However this time there was a new one, fear. Laurent and I feared that we couldn't save Chloe, we couldn't be her knight in shining armor. She was somewhere screaming for us to come and help her, to find her like we had the first time, and it pained us to no end that we couldn't strap up and go to wherever Chloe was and save her. No, we had to sit on our asses and think out a plan of attack. A plan that has taken us a week to formulate, a fucking week. I don't even want to contemplate on what Rider could have done to Chloe with all of the time we've basically handed to him. It made me physically sick to think about it, to think that we are giving Rider time to torture our little sister.

The cool breeze of the night washed over my overheated skin, I sigh at the soothing feeling. My brother and I had to take a break from the planning, since we started to yell at India and Rose, saying that we were taking too long to come up with a plan. We had gotten so into our rage that Laurent and I nearly struck both of them, which lead us to coming out here, hoping that the chilled air would help our stress. Both of us had not said a word since we stepped onto our hotel suite's balcony, afraid that we would set each other off. We hadn't even said anything and the tension was almost unbearable, "I don't know what to do anymore brother." Laurent was the first to break the uncomfortable silence, his voice scratchy and sad. I look over and stare at my mirror image, noticing the dark bags under his eyes almost instantly, did I have those too? "Don't say that."

"But how can I not Larry? Everyday that passes I feel like we still no do anything, Chloe be anywhere and we sit here!" Laurent's voice was laced in frustration, his eyes flooded with unshed tears. Looking out into the city my eyes look over all of the moving cars, anxiety building in me at the thought that one of these vehicles could contain Chloe. Now that we were in the city of Houston Chloe could be anywhere around us, and we'd never know. Yes we know where she is being held, but what if Rider already knows of us being here? Now that we've discovered that he is apart of the Cartel our actions have to be more thought out, one slip up and our plan could go to shit before it was even put in motion. But the longer we wait, the more Laurent and I get antsy. Which could lead to safety precautions not being taken, and although it scares me that something might happen to us, getting Chloe back is our main goal. To hell with the after affects it has on my brother and I. Placing my hands on Laurent's shoulders I make him face me, frowning when I see tear marks covering his cheeks, wiping them away gently I bring him into my chest, running my fingers through his curls. "We have to stay strong Laurent, for Chloe, you know this. I know your anger, I feel it Lau. But sitting here being mad wont get us anywhere, I promise you that we get her back, and you know I no break promises brother." Placing my forehead against Laurent's I close my eyes, trying to keep the tears away.

Our moment couldn't last forever, like our work life we never had a lot of rest before we were at it again. Even though it was stressful as hell, it had to be done. "You guys alright now?" Black Rose had asked us as soon as we had stepped back into the stuffy hotel, a blank look was present on her young face, but my brother and I could see right through it. She was uneasy around us, knowing how short our fuse was now. "No we not, but we sorry Rose." Laurent spoke for the both of us as we just awkwardly stood to the side, uneasy to make a move to sit down. Rose dismissed the situation with a wave of her hand, "I don't know what y'all are going through, but your outbursts were understandable." My brother and I had to wipe at our eyes just then, to make sure that there wasn't a grown woman sitting right in front of us. I swear this little girl acts like she's 27 at the age of 14, its ridiculous. But I guess that's how you have to be when you're in the field of work that India and her are in. "Alright then let's get back to work." India decides to make herself known at that moment, snapping us back into reality.

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