This is it (Pt. 2)

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Laurent's pov~

"Seigneur, à nous garder en sécurité sur ce chemin, nous sommes sur le point d'embarquer. Certains vont vous suivre aux portes du paradis dans la mère patrie. Mais je vous demande en ce jour de renforcer chacun de nous avec le courage, l'agilité, et la confiance pour remplir cette mission aujourd'hui." (Dear Lord, keep us safe on this journey we are about to embark. Some will follow you back to the pearly gates up in the motherland. But I ask you on this day to strengthen all of us with the courage, agility, and confidence to fulfill this mission today.)

All of our heads were bowed, the sound of India's voice floating around the hotel room. She was blessing us, praying for all of us as well as herself. India said it was a "ritual" her and every assassin did before going on a mission. Ask God for forgiveness ahead of time, ask him to wipe away our sins before they were even committed. It was a ritual that let God know that we were sorry for committing sin, for spilling the blood of our brothers and sisters, for taking a life that wasn't ready to be taken.

"Nous serons engageons aujourd'hui le péché père, nous prendrons vie de nos frères et sœurs. Donc, nous vous demandons pardon père, ôter nos péchés avant qu'ils aient passé, afin que nous puissions vivre avec une conscience claire. Au Nom de Jésus une prière, amen." (We will be committing sin today father, we will be taking lives of our brothers and sisters. So we ask you for forgiveness father, take away our sins before they have happened, so we may live with a clear conscious. In Jesus name I pray, amen.)

"Amen." Everyone restated the last word in India's prayer before doing the motions of the cross. A feeling of peacefulness washed over me then, I got a sense that everything was going to be alright, we would be successful.

Looking out the window an angry sky greets me, its clouds were swollen with suppressed water, ready to come crashing down on us at any moment. It made me a little nervous, the weather man said that we had a 90% chance of rain today. Maybe it was a sign to all of us, that today just wasn't the day to save Chloe. What if something went wrong and the plan didn't go down flawlessly? I couldn't live with myself knowing that my brother's and I's eagerness costs someone their life. I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt that Chloe would feel if she knew that someone died saving her, it would tear her apart. Even if she didn't know the person, Chloe would still break down into tears over them, saying that it wasn't their time to go. That was the beauty that is Chloe George. She had a heart made of pure gold, you could be the scum of the earth and Chloe would still take you in with open arms.

"Laurent are you okay?" A hand touching my shoulder jolts me back into reality, my gaze focusing onto eyes identical to mine.

"Y-yeah I'm good, just nervous." Larry gives me an understanding nod before giving me a quick hug.

"I know Lau, me too. But we just have to have faith." Hearing those words from Larry I could feel my nervousness dwindling.

Taking a deep breath I lock everything away in the back of my mind; all of my emotions, fears, thoughts, and sympathy. Gone. It was something that all of us had to do, so our doings wouldn't come back to haunt us later. Glancing around the room I see dead eyes, not a sliver of emotion passes through anybody. Looking at Larry I see dark, almost onyx colored eyes. His facial features were stone, his jaw set and his nostrils flared. We were ready for what was about to occur, we were ready for war. "I'm ready."


"Alright guys this is how it's going to go down when we get there. Mark and Brian, you two are going to come in the back entrance with Steve and Kevin. India and I will separate and take the East and West wing of the building, we'll be able to handle ourselves. Laurent and Larry, Andrew and Derek will go with you through the main entrance and help clear a path for y'all. I'll give the signal when the plan is a go." Black Rose's voice was stern, strong. It was almost hard to think that this was a 14 year old talking to us and not a grown woman.

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